1 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 The Editor’s Role Nicholas Jones Strathmore Publishing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 The Editor’s Role Nicholas Jones Strathmore Publishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 The Editor’s Role Nicholas Jones Strathmore Publishing

2 2 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 What is publishing?

3 3 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Publishing is... packaging information, getting it from the author to the end-user at the right price for the market and the lowest possible cost to the producer a business, part of the media industry matching marketable ideas to good authors ‘Infinite attention to detail’ – Billy Collins

4 4 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 What does an editor do? Three stages of editorial work list-building / acquisition desk-editing editorial management / copy-editing

5 5 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 But editing is just part of the whole publishing process: production marketing rights sales

6 6 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Production estimating (take into account Rights income) design jacket design and printing typesetting print-buying

7 7 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Marketing promotion to the book trade promotion to the customer using: –direct mail –advertising: media, outdoor and POS –PR

8 8 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Rights US and other English language; translations co-editions; paperback; book club television, film and radio serial (first and second) merchandising licensed editions (large print / own brand); electronic media; audio

9 9 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Sales home –reps. –sales office (key accounts) export –overseas reps. –agents

10 10 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Market Sectors entertainment –fiction –non-fiction information

11 11 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 ‘Entertainment’ Fiction mass-market literary children’s

12 12 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 ‘Entertainment’ Non-fiction mass-market ‘niche’ coffee-table children’s

13 13 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Information primary schools secondary schools tertiary hobby and instructional legal business scientific, technical, medical

14 14 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 Multi-media / Electronic database research abstracts interactive educational audio on CD and download

15 15 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2005 How to Present an Idea synopsis author biog. / track record / marketability market comparable titles and USP suggested format –possible production demands/problems marketing strategy PR strategy serialisation and rights possibilities

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