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Welcome to the Cookie Rally!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Cookie Rally!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Cookie Rally!

2 Hi! My Name is Hallie the Hedgehog and I am this year’s cookie mascot!

3 Us hedgehogs got our name from our preferred place to live: garden hedges! We also make pig-like noises!

4 I am covered in spikes and roll into a ball when threatened by other animals. I have 5,000-7,000 quills but they are not barbed like a porcupine and they are not poisonous either.

5 Even as a baby I’m covered in spikes
Even as a baby I’m covered in spikes. The name for a baby hedgehog is a hoglet.

6 I like to sleep during the day and come out at night.

7 We are known as the gardener’s friend because we eat insects, grubs, centipedes and snails. But, I like Girl Scout cookies too!

8 I know the Girl Scout promise, will you say it with me?
On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law. I know the Girl Scout promise, will you say it with me?

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