BPC Evaluation Workshop Developing & Applying the Common Core Indicators Daryl E. Chubin, Roosevelt Y. Johnson, Tom McKlin, & Alan Peterfreund, Facilitators.

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Presentation on theme: "BPC Evaluation Workshop Developing & Applying the Common Core Indicators Daryl E. Chubin, Roosevelt Y. Johnson, Tom McKlin, & Alan Peterfreund, Facilitators."— Presentation transcript:

1 BPC Evaluation Workshop Developing & Applying the Common Core Indicators Daryl E. Chubin, Roosevelt Y. Johnson, Tom McKlin, & Alan Peterfreund, Facilitators AAAS Capacity Center American Association for the Advancement of Science Los Angeles, CA February 1, 2010

2 Agenda 10 amWelcome & Introductions History of the Common Core (documents, pre-work) Applications: Alliance & Demo Project Examples NoonLunch 1 pmBreakouts (around dominant project activities) 2:15Talk Back: Reports from Breakouts Role of Evaluation in Project Success 3:15Session 3: Highlight Evaluation Workshop (i.e., process, outcomes, & suggestions to PIs) 4:30Transition to Gallery Walk BPC Evaluation Workshop Los Angeles, CA February 1, 2010

3 Sample Powerful Paragraph The challenge of broadening participation in computing is a pipeline problem, from getting kids interested before high school, preparing them well and sustaining interest in high school, and achieving success in undergraduate years. Georgia Computes! is a bold alliance aimed at touching all those levels at once, across an entire state. The number of high school students taking AP CS in Georgia has increased since we started, with particularly high increases among women (57% increase) and Hispanic students (300% increase). We have increased the number of high schools offering AP CS by 68%, and now Georgia now has the highest percentage of high schools that have passed the AP CS audit in the Southeast. From running Girl Scout workshops and summer camps (over 3000 kids, at over 10 locations around the state), to training high school teachers (over 328 teachers representing over 60% of all public high schools in Georgia), to improving the undergraduate curriculum to be more engaging and inviting (over 25% of universities in Georgia have now updated their curriculum with NCWIT ‑ approved best practices), Georgia Computes! is successfully broadening participation across the whole pipeline in a single state.

4 BPC Evaluation Workshop— Purpose & Outcomes Daryl E. Chubin, Roosevelt Y. Johnson, Tom McKlin, & Alan Peterfreund, Facilitators Illustrating the Common Core Indicators Role of Evaluation in Project Success Communicating Outcomes Ongoing Challenges Los Angeles, CA February 1, 2010

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