F AMILY F ARM A ND A F ORM O F L AND U SE : A S TUDY F ROM T HE S TATE O F A CRE, B RAZIL Raimundo C. G. Maciel Raimundo C. G. Maciel, Gisele E. A. B.

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Presentation on theme: "F AMILY F ARM A ND A F ORM O F L AND U SE : A S TUDY F ROM T HE S TATE O F A CRE, B RAZIL Raimundo C. G. Maciel Raimundo C. G. Maciel, Gisele E. A. B."— Presentation transcript:

1 F AMILY F ARM A ND A F ORM O F L AND U SE : A S TUDY F ROM T HE S TATE O F A CRE, B RAZIL Raimundo C. G. Maciel Raimundo C. G. Maciel, Gisele E. A. B. Souza, Antônio C. F. Pontes, Pedro G. Cavancate Filho, Edi F. Reyna Center for Law and Social Sciences Applied (CCJSA), Federal University of Acre, Brazil

2 INTRODUCTION Amazon had its development and occupation implemented by the Federal Government in the beginning of 1970 by developmental policies that neglected the region’s characteristics, which focused to strengthen the economy based on exploration of natural resources, as well as the implantation of farming projects.

3 INTRODUCTION Those measures brought unfavorable results to the traditional population of the region such as:  the disorganization of extractivist activities and the expulsion of the population to the cities, generating concentrated areas of poverty, and consequently, social problems in urban areas.  occupation policies in that region were adopted in an unsustainable way which caused the destruction of extensive areas of natural forest.

4 INTRODUCTION In this context, the land that was the guarantee of subsistence to the traditional population turned into speculation properties in the hands of great entrepreneurs, invaders, farmers and speculators, decisive factors to income inequality, and consequently, aggravating the generation of poverty.

5 INTRODUCTION  Given the intensification of conflicts, in the 70s and 80s, Federal Government took measures of agrarian reform in order to defuse the situation, initially creating the Directed Settlement Project (PAD), Directed Agroextractvist Settlement (PAE), and in the 90s created the Sustainable Development Projects, as well as the Conservation Unit for Sustainable Use, such as Extractive Reserves (RESEX).

6 OBJECTIVE This study aims to identify and analyse the socioeconomical and environmental conditions, listing the following factors: method of access and use of the land, so that it could be verified the impact on the level of living in rural faamily production in the state of Acre, taking into consideration the type of resources management (land /environment) over the land, in the periods of 1996/1997 and 2006/2007.

7 STUDY OBJECT The Acre State is one of 27 federal units of Brazil, which has 733 559 inhabitants. The Acre rural population is 27% (IBGE, 2011).

8 METODOLOGY This work uses the information of field research results in rural areas, significant to the reality of family production, conducted by the Research Project "Socioeconomic Analysis of the Family Production Systems in the Acre State", called ASPF, developed by the Centre for Legal and Social Sciences Applied (CCJSA), in the Federal University of Acre (UFAC).

9 METODOLOGY  Land use Forms  The forms of access to land considered in this work are: outright ownership, private ownership, lease and concession of use;  The variable form of land use was divided into three segments: forest, pasture and open area. These explain how producers plan and use the area of land it owns. It was only worked considering the period 2005/2006 to 2006/2007 of Acre Valley and the Valley of the Jurua, given that this information was incorporated into the methodology of ASPF Project later the first surveys.

10 METODOLOGY  Poverty line  In this study, intending to do an analysis the poverty, was necessary to do the stratification of social classes, adopting as parameter the Brazilian minimum salary, currently in effect, in the amount of R$ 724,0/month (R$8688,00/year).  The poverty line was determined by dividing the Living Standards (NV), earned by the producers in the periods of analysis, resulting in six social classes:

11 METODOLOGY  Social Classes  Class A = NV > R$2.896,00  Class B = R$1.448,00 < NV < R$2.896,00;  Class C (1) = R$724,00 < NV < R$1.448,00;  Class C (2) = R$362,00 < NV < R$724,00;  Class D = R$181,00 < NV < R$362,00;  Class E = NV < R$181,00


13 Forms of Access Acre ValleyJurua Valley NV (R$)Evolution (%)NV (R$)Evolution (%) Outright Ownership 1.021,0135,5% 851,77-26,97% Private Ownership 1.193,2048,6% 773,45-5,29% Lease 935,4734,1% --100,00% Concession of use 946,1648,1% 786,12-22,84% Evolution of the Life Level of Rural Households in the form of access to the land of the Acre Valley 1996- 1997 / 2005-2006 and Jurua Valley 1999-2001 / 2006-2007 Fonte: ASPF (2014).


15 CONCLUSION  Investment in Timber and Livestock activities: deforestation and concentration of income  Rural Settlements : deforestation and poverty  Which way forward ? Land use in a sustainable way: social justice, ecological prudence and economic efficiency.

16 THANK YOU! Contact: rcgmaciel@ufac.brContact: rcgmaciel@ufac.br or rcgmaciel@bol.com.br rcgmaciel@bol.com.br

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