Mrs. Shaffers Class. Rhythm and Style Syncopation: the accent on the weak beat Complicated rhythms Improvisation: Make it up as you go Polyrhythmic: many.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Shaffers Class. Rhythm and Style Syncopation: the accent on the weak beat Complicated rhythms Improvisation: Make it up as you go Polyrhythmic: many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Shaffers Class

2 Rhythm and Style Syncopation: the accent on the weak beat Complicated rhythms Improvisation: Make it up as you go Polyrhythmic: many groups play different rhythms Call/Response: Leader calls out and group responds

3 African Dance Dance at funerals to express grief They use body percussion to make music as they dance Dance on stage at concerts to show appreciation for musicians

4 Musical Practices and Culture Stories are passed down through African music, and they usually teach a lesson Most African music uses improvisation There is not written music; all of it is learned by ear Music is used to record historical events.

5 INSTRUMENTS Africans use drums in music Africans use rattles Africans use body-percussion They use horns that have been cut out as instruments They use gyils. A gyil is and instrument that is made of wood and animal skin to hold it together.

6 African Music Today Many urban Africans ride busses, drive cars, and work in offices or factories. They mix traditional African music with American music. They put American instruments with African instruments.

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