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Church and Culture Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah Milton B. Engebretson Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism North Park Theological Seminary.

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Presentation on theme: "Church and Culture Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah Milton B. Engebretson Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism North Park Theological Seminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church and Culture Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah Milton B. Engebretson Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism North Park Theological Seminary

2 Social Construct of Reality Objectification Institutionalization Internalization Externalization

3 Christ and Culture (H. Richard Niebuhr) ► Christ AGAINST Culture ► Christ OF Culture ► Christ ABOVE Culture ► Christ and Culture in PARADOX ► Christ TRANSFORMING Culture

4 Christ AGAINST Culture ► Sole authority of Christianity over the Christian  Rejects culture’s claim to loyalty ► Church rejects the world  20 th century Christian Fundamentalism  Amish culture

5 Christ OF Culture ► God is transcendent and can be found in all human endeavors  Church and culture are not in conflict  Assimiliation ► Church embraces the world  20 th century Protestant Liberalism  Seeker sensitive movement

6 Church and Culture ► Marginalized (Christ AGAINST Culture)  Antagonistic relationship to the culture ► Modernist vs. Fundamentalists (Scopes Trial)  Noah’s Ark mentality ► Creation of a Christian sub-culture ► Mainstreamed (Christ OF Culture)  Church is held captive to culture ► Western/White captivity of the church ► Mega-church ► Feel-good Christianity

7 Marginalized Christianity

8 Ark - itecture

9 Mainstreamed Christianity

10 Christ ABOVE Culture ► Acknowledges the centrality of the church but seeks after knowledge of God through reason and revelation ► Church gets to Christ passing through the world (e.g. – logic, reason, science)  Thomas Aquinas / (seminaries)  Christian modernist philosophy

11 Christ and Culture in PARADOX ► Great difference between the two  Similar to difference between law and gospel  Church as salt/light to prevent the onslaught of evil ► Living life precariously and in tension  Both engaged and disengaged  Acknowledges reality of sin and evil

12 Christ TRANSFORMING Culture ► Refuses to abandon the earth to the Kingdom of Satan ► Kingdom of God can transform and retake the world ► Transforming power of the gospel to transform individuals and culture

13 Metaphor for Gospel and Culture ► People in a stadium  View of the field is different depending on where you sit ► Christians  in a stadium (Christianity / World)  in a specific seat (cultural lens)  looking at the field (the gospel message) ► Christians need to talk to each other to get a clearer, broader, fuller picture

14 DifferingPoints of View

15 Andrew Walls : Two Principles ► Indigenizing  Creation-centered theology  The Gospel adapts to the culture  The Gospel affirms what exists in the culture  missio Dei ► Pilgrim  Redemption-centered theology  The Gospel challenges our culture  The Gospel seeks to change what exists in the culture  Prophetic, counter-cultural role

16 Andrew Walls : Two Principles IndigenizingPilgrim

17 Stephen Bevans : Four Models (actually six but four that apply to us) Bevans, Stephen. Models of Contextual Theology (Maryknoll: Orvis Books, 2002) ► Anthropological (strongly indigenizing) ► Counter-cultural (strongly pilgrim) ► Translation (neutral) ► Transcendental (allow the receiver to determine)

18 Anthroplogical ► Strongly indigenizing  Primary concern: preservation of cultural identity/norms  Focused on the human experience in culture ► Culture is basically good / equal to Scripture and tradition  Seeds of the gospel are in the ground ► the ground simply needs watering ► Examples:  missio Dei (God was here before our arrival)  Indigenous names for God  Afro-centric churches in America

19 Counter-cultural ► Strongly pilgrim  Primary concern: gospel message  The gospel story gives us the lens to critique history and culture  Focused on redemption and transformation  Culture needs to be weeded and fertilized before the seeds can be planted ► Examples:  Missional theology  Resident Alien (communal)  Widow burnings / human sacrifice

20 Translation ► Neutral  Accommodates to a particular culture ► Yet, sees the message of the gospel as unchanging  Translate the meaning of the gospel ► A supra-cultural message can be separated out ► Looking for dynamic equivalence in translation ► Contextualization is a necessity  The cultural context is basically good ► Bring seeds (gospel) put into the ground of culture ► Examples:  Language / Bible translation (Dynamic equivalence)  Jokes / Humor / Idioms  Music and Art?

21 Transcendental ► Allow the receiver to determine  As outsiders, we can not understand all things ► We need a complete change/conversion  Begin with one’s own contextual / communal experience to determine particularities ► The “subject” is involved in determining and shaping realit ► The individual’s particular context and the individual’s experience in God  Cultivate your own garden – others will cultivate their own ► Examples:  Elements of racial and ethnic identity / pride?  Ancestor worship?  Art? Dance?

22 Discussion Board Assignment ► Church and Culture Examples ► Niebuhr  Against Culture / Of Cultures  Above Culture / In Paradox / Transforming Culture ► Walls:  Pilgrim  Indigenizing ► Bevans  Anthropological  Counter Cultural  Translation  Transcendental

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