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AIS Chapter 10 Physiological recovery. Compression clothing Wearing 12-24 hr Full-body or lower/upper limbs May ↓creatine kinase, ↓muscle soreness Some.

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Presentation on theme: "AIS Chapter 10 Physiological recovery. Compression clothing Wearing 12-24 hr Full-body or lower/upper limbs May ↓creatine kinase, ↓muscle soreness Some."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIS Chapter 10 Physiological recovery

2 Compression clothing Wearing 12-24 hr Full-body or lower/upper limbs May ↓creatine kinase, ↓muscle soreness Some studies showed no effect NOT more effective than other recovery interventions No study measured compression forces

3 Hydrotherapy Cold water immersion: usually ice pack or ice- water, common for acute soft tissue injuries – ↓inflammation, ↓spasm and pain, ↓core/tissue temperature Hot water immersion: > 37 C, effect unclear Contrast water therapy: 10-15 C and 35-38 C – Alternate cold and hot water immersion – Widely used – ↓edema through pumping action by alternating peripheral vasoconstriction and vasodilation – May ↓DOMS, better restoration of strength

4 Pool recovery Active recovery, walking and stretching in pool – Active recovery in non-weight bearing condition ↓muscle stiffness, soreness – Widely used in eccentric muscle damage and contact sports

5 Massage Mechanical manipulation of body tissues with rhythmical pressure and stroking ↓muscle tension and stiffness, ↓anxiety ↑healing of injured muscle and ligaments, ↑flexibility and range of motion, ↑relaxation NOT many scientific evidence

6 Stretching 伸展 Commonly used, but sometimes ignored Most studies did NOT show recovery effect in short-term VERY IMPORTANT in the long-term to prevent muscle and ligament injury/imbalance

7 Massage Mechanisms – Biomechanical: ↑muscle-tendon compliance by mobilizing and elongating shortened or adhered connective tissue – Physiological: skin friction ↑blood flow, ↑parasympathetic nervous system, ↓HR, ↓BP – Neurological: gate control theory of pain: activation of skin receptor may block the information to the brain from pain receptors

8 Active recovery Integral component of physical recovery Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming at low intensity ↓ muscle soreness, ↓ DOMS ↑ lactate removal, but little practical value Studies showed that active recovery, water immersion may be similarly effective

9 Conclusion Combination of recovery strategies Stretching is VERY IMPORTANT Active recovery necessary Sometimes add hydrotheraphy

10 Water immersion

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