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The Hamburger Writing Model Mr. Gurian Osceola Middle School.

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1 The Hamburger Writing Model Mr. Gurian Osceola Middle School

2 Objective Students will write persuasive, expository, and narrative pieces containing the five parts of the hamburger model. Beginning First focused idea Second focused idea Third focused idea Ending

A “grabber” is a curiosity-stirring sentence to catch our attention at the beginning and make us want to read the rest of the story. Mystery Statement: I was eleven when I found the magic key… Shocking Statement: I’ll never forget the day my tongue turned… Humorous Statement: I didn’t mean to drive my teacher crazy… Onomatopoeia: Crash! I knew I was in trouble as soon as I heard… Dialogue: “Why are you eating a tarantula?” my little sister asked. Rhetorical Question: Don’t you think every boy or girl deserves… ?

4 3 PATTIES = FOCUS POINTS Main body of your paper
Expository or Persuasive: Three paragraphs to explain more or Narrative: Three paragraphs to move you through the adventure Patty #1 = first focus point Patty #2 = second focus point Patty #3 = third focus point

5 First PATTY with EXTRAS Details with supporting ideas
Each paragraph is a SUPER BURGER: Start with a great transition word… Add your main idea with lots of details Add mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, pickles, etc. (a mini-movie, dialogue, similes, emotional feelings, sensory details, Each patty does not require the same number of extras, but needs to include lots of “elaboration” for the meat.

6 Second PATTY with EXTRAS “Tell the reader MORE”
Build a 2nd SUPER BURGER Topic Sentence with transitional phrase Detail Sentences (Support with reasons, examples, and vivid details) Add mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, pickles, etc. to add “pizzazz” Use sizzling vocabulary…

7 Third PATTY with EXTRAS Paint a picture with your words.
Build a 3rd SUPER BURGER “Show, Don’t Tell” – Describe something for your reader instead of telling them something. Example: The boy was very frightened. The boy screeched in terror and threw his hands up to protect himself. Even though his legs felt like they had turned to jelly, he jumped to his feet and tried to get out of the monster’s reach.

8 BOTTOM BUN = Conclusion
Conclude with a “Takeaway Ending” A “takeaway ending” is one or two sentences that tell the reader what the main character learned, or how his life has changed. Never Forget: I’ll never forget this place as long as I live… Be careful: My close call with a giant alligator taught me… Now I know: I learned my lesson. I’ll never drive my teacher crazy… Onomatopoeia: Crash! “This can’t be happening again,” I thought as I ran out of the park. This time I wouldn’t be crazy enough to… Dialogue: “My life will never be the same!” I thought as I snuggled with my brown-eyed puppy and thought about grandpa. Answer the Rhetorical Question: I hope you’ll agree…

9 Now let’s get writing a “juicy” delicious triple hamburger essay!!
The Hamburger Writing Model Now let’s get writing a “juicy” delicious triple hamburger essay!!

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