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AP Biology Group Presentation: Sections 1.4-1.6 Clarification 1) Natural Selection -a group of organisms divide into two groups; each live in different.

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2 AP Biology Group Presentation: Sections 1.4-1.6

3 Clarification 1) Natural Selection -a group of organisms divide into two groups; each live in different areas and each have differences such as reproduction and hereditary traits; overtime they adapt to the area they live in (p.16) 2) Concept of "descent with modification“ -basically means all mammals came from a common ancestor and overtime we split into different species because of natural selection(P.17) 3) Discovery Science -uses observation and data to describe natural structures and processes(p.19) 4) Inductive Reasoning - where an experimental group is compared to a control group(p.23) 5) Control Group - a group that varies only in the factor being tested(p.24) 6) Inductive Reasoning - conclusions based on observations(p.20) 7) Theory - a big explanation that has many hypotheses and has lots of evidence(p.24) 8) Requirements of Scientific Inquiry - hypotheses must be testable and falsifiable and observations and experimental results must be repeatable(p.24) 9) Scientific Inquiry -using science to find information and explanation(p.21) 10) Hypothesis -an educated guess(p.20)

4 Prediction Section 1.4 - Evolution - Chapter 22 - Darwinism - Chapter 22 - Biological species - Chapter 24 - Anatomical variations - Chapter 32 - Adaptive radiation - Chapter 23 Section 1.5 - Scientific inquiry - Starting from Chapter 7 - Data - Every chapter (NSP) - Scientific technology - Chapter 20 - Modeling cell division - Chapter 12 - Model type - Chapter 21

5 Summary Charles Robert Darwin -Proposed theory of natural selection Scientific Inquiry -Discovery science (describing nature) -Hypothesis-based science (explaining nature) Controlled experiment -King /Coral snake experiment -Brown snakes Importance of science and technology to society -Improving human society to make living easier

6 Diagram 1: The Diagram represents a controlled experiment including two types of snakes with varying traits.

7 Diagram 2: The diagram represents Darwin’s Idea of natural selection.

8 Questions Evaluate Darwin’s idea of “Descent with modification” when applied to the relation of bats and humans [1.4] Create a plan using hypothesis based inquiry to solve the following problem: You are on a camping trip and your flashlight will not turn on [1.5] Design a basic outline for a controlled experiment [1.5] How does the combination of science and technology impact society? [1.6] Choose 3 different types of animals, describe what similarities they have that would lead scientists to believe in the idea of evolution. [1.4] How do environmental changes effect a population? [1.4] Provide an example of qualitative data [1.5] Develop a hypothesis for the following question: “How does acid precipitation affect trees?” [1.5] Provide an example of Adaptive radiation [1.4] What are some possible reasons for several different types of animals with very similar traits appearing throughout completely different areas of the world? [1.4-1.5]

9 The end :]

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