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Chapter 23 Test Like all other tests of this format, talking will not be tolerated. If anyone is suspected of talking, their paper will be confiscated.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 Test Like all other tests of this format, talking will not be tolerated. If anyone is suspected of talking, their paper will be confiscated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 Test Like all other tests of this format, talking will not be tolerated. If anyone is suspected of talking, their paper will be confiscated and a zero will be given. Good Luck!

2 1. What was the first major action Roosevelt took as president?
A. He established the Civil Works Administration to provide job relief B. He closed all of the nation’s banks and ordered inspections. C. He proposed a reorganization of the Supreme Court. D. He called the first meeting of the “Brain Trust”

3 2. Which of the following was a goal of the New Deal?
A. increase crop production B. regulate the stock market C. decrease farmers income D. all of the above

4 3. Which of the following was most directly responsible for creating new jobs and putting people to work? A. Social Security Act B. Fair Labor Standards Act C. National Labor Relations Act D. Works Progress Adminstration

5 4. What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the Roosevelt administration?
A. She focused on being an excellent hostess B. She served as a cabinet member C. She was an important advisor on domestic policy D. She was an important advisor on foreign policy

6 5. Which of the following reached a new high during Roosevelt’s first term as president?
A. tariff rates B. employment rates C. the national debt D. all of the above E. none of the above

7 6. Who wrote the novel The Grapes of Wrath about the grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl during the Depression? A. Ernest Hemmingway B. Orson Welles C. John Steinbeck D. Woody Guthrie

8 7. What 1939 film which depicted the lives of Southern planters during the Civil War is listed as one of the most popular movies of all time? A. Gone with the Wind B. The Wizard of Oz C. The Grapes of Wrath D. The Royal Tenebaums

9 8. What program put almost 3 million young men to work building roads, developing parks, and planting trees? A. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) B. Works Progress Administration (WPA) C. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) D. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

10 9. What were the daytime dramas that were aired in hopes of appealing to homemakers? These broadcasts got their names from the products that sponsored them. A. Hollywood True Stories B. Soap Operas C. Fireside Chats D. none of the above

11 10. What was the name given to the radio broadcasts given by FDR on a regular basis. These broadcasts were intended to boost the nation’s moral. A. soap operas B. Dinner-table discussion C. Fireside Chats D. Front porch talk

12 11. What 1933 law required corporations to provide complete and truthful information on all stocks they intended to sell? A. Wagner Act B. Social Security Act C. Emergency Banking Relief Act D. Federal Securities Act

13 12. The Social Security Act provided which of the following for any American that qualified?
A. Old-age insurance for retirees 65 and older B. Unemployment compensation C. Aid to families with dependent children and the disabled D. all of the above E. B and C

14 13. What is the term that describes the government spending more money than it brings in with tax revenues? A. welfare B. deficit spending C. direct relief D. none of the above

15 14. The main goal of the New Deal was to…
A. oppose labor unions B. decrease the size of the government C. create jobs D. lower taxes

16 15. Public works programs were government funded programs to …
A. encourage immigration B. reform the banking system C. eliminate segregation D. build or improve roads, parks, and airports.

17 16. Eleanor Roosevelt helped FDR by….
A. reporting to him on how people were reacting to New Deal programs. B. leading the National Recovery Administration C. traveling to Europe to gain support for the New Deal D. becoming a powerful member of Congress

18 17. Which New Deal program was created to offer payments to people who could not support themselves?
A. Federal Reserve Board B. Tennessee Valley Authority C. Social Security D. Civilian Conservation Corps

19 18. New Deal programs were most helpful to…
A. white men B. women C. black men D. immigrants

20 19. Conservatives attacked the New Deal for….
A. limiting people’s freedom. B. not doing enough to help poor people. C. raising taxes on the rich. D. increasing the national debt.

21 20. With programs such as Social Security, many Republicans argued that the government was….
A. growing too weak B. spending entirely too much tax money C. promoting racism D. abandoning the poor

22 Bonus: According to CNN
Bonus: According to, which US city is ranked #1 most dangerous city to live in? A. Houston, Texas B. Camden, New Jersey C. Pensacola, Florida D. Birmingham, Alabama

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