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Secure Certification Standards Chapter 2960.0300-2960.0420 PURPOSE: Establish the minimum certification standards that licensed settings must meet for.

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Presentation on theme: "Secure Certification Standards Chapter 2960.0300-2960.0420 PURPOSE: Establish the minimum certification standards that licensed settings must meet for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure Certification Standards Chapter 2960.0300-2960.0420 PURPOSE: Establish the minimum certification standards that licensed settings must meet for certification as a secure program. APPLICABILITY: Governs the license holder who wishes to operate a secure program.

2 Secure Certification Standards Subpart. 66. Secure program. "Secure program" means a residential program offered in a building or part of a building secured by locks or other physical plant characteristics intended to prevent the resident from leaving the program without authorization.

3 Exemption 2960.0300 Subpart 2 The secure certification parts of the rule do not apply to a locked group residential facility certified to provide treatment to residents with severe emotional disturbance certified under parts 2960.0580- 2960.0700.

4 License Requirements 2960.0300 Subpart 3 A program may not have a secure certification without having a license to operate as a Group Residential setting or a Detention setting as well as meeting all of the administrative licensing standards in parts 2960.0010-2960.0120.

5 Goals 2960.0310 Written statement of measurable secure program goals and outcomes. Goals must be developed with input from: –Local juvenile justice personnel Judges Probation officers Case managers Social workers Other appropriate parties involved with the youth.

6 Program Service Standards 2960.0320 Secure program must meet the needs of the resident based on: –Offense history –Age –Gender –Disability –Cultural & ethnic heritage –Mental health/C.D. problems.

7 Secure Program Services Chapter 2960.0320 Services offered in the secure program must include: –Subpart A. Intensive regular and special education programs. –Subpart B. Specific program components that meet the residents needs in the areas of : Anger management Non-violent conflict resolution Mental health.

8 Program Services 2960.0320 Subpart B. And other program service needs such as: –Physical abuse issues –Parenting education –Sex offender issues –Sexual abuse/Victim issues –Sexuality/Identity issues.

9 Admission and Continued Stay 2960.0330 Placement must be authorized by statute or court order. There must be proper documentation for the placement as part of the intake record.

10 Security Standards 2960.0340 Subpart 1 Any worker(ie.. maintenance etc) not employed by the facility must be under the general supervision of facility staff. There is to be no contact between non-employed workers in a facility and residents.

11 Work Hour Limit 2960.0340 Subpart 2 No employee may be scheduled for duty for two consecutive work periods except in an emergency. No employee may work more than 16 hours in any one 24-hour period.

12 Continuing Need Reviewed 2960.0340 Subpart 3 Timelines need to be in policy to ensure a review to determine the continued need for secure placement. Written criteria must address circumstances when a resident is moved to a less restrictive part of the facility.

13 Resident Movement 2960.0340 Subpart 3 *When a resident is moved from a secure to a non- secure space for programming purposes, the license holder must notify the appropriate juvenile court.

14 Group Arrest 2960.0340 Subpart 4 Facilities must have policies in place to address space arrangements and procedures to follow in the event of a group arrest that may exceed the capacity of the facility. These plans must be reviewed annually and updated.

15 Discharge 2960.0350 Subpart 1 Facilities who have a secure certification must have written discharge criteria that allows for a resident to be discharged: –after the completion of treatment or –if the resident is ordered to a new placement by the court.

16 Discharge 2960.0350 Detention Discharge: Detention facilities must prepare written criteria for the discharge of residents relating to: The expiration of the legal authority to hold.

17 Return of Property 2960.0350 Subpart 2 Upon discharge of a resident the facility must: –Return property to the resident * –With a receipt signed by the license holder –Listing the property returned. *unless the property is held for authorized investigation or litigation.

18 Security Policies & Procedures 2960.0360 Subpart 1 If a facility offers correctional program services, the following security P & Ps are required: –Control and recovery of contraband, –Delivery and service procedures, –Prohibition of firearms, weapons in resident areas, –Measures to ensure that weapons are inaccessible to residents.

19 Security Policies & Procedures 2960.0360 Subpart 1 Search procedures. Escort of residents outside the secured area. One half hour interval well-being checks, when residents are not under direct supervision.

20 Facility Inspection 2960.0360 Subpart 2 Must be regularly inspected for contraband, breaches in security and inoperable security equipment. Materials delivered to the facility must be inspected for contraband prior to distribution.

21 Chemical Irritant Use 2960.0360 Subpart 3A **Must have written policies approved by the licensing agency governing the use of the chemical irritant. **The use is permitted only in secure facilities with correctional program services.

22 Chemical Irritant Use 2060.0360 Subpart 3B Can only be used by order of the Facility Administrator or person in charge to: –Prevent a resident from seriously injuring self or others. –Prevent damage to a substantial amount of property.

23 Chemical Irritant Use 2960.0360 Subpart B 1.Decontamination must occur immediately after all uses of the chemical irritant.

24 Chemical Irritant Use 2060.0360 Subpart 3B 2.Documentation of use must include: –A description of the behavior that resulted in the use. –What alternative methods were considered and a description of those methods.

25 Chemical Irritant Use, continued Exactly what the decision to use the chemical irritant was based on. Other relevant factors in the use of the chemical irritant. Staff using chemical irritants must have annual documentation of training in the use of the chemical irritants and the decontamination procedures.

26 Chemical Irritant Use 2060.0360 Subpart 3 3. A documented supervisory review must be conducted after each incident that results in chemical irritant use.

27 Locks & Keys 2960.0370 Subpart 1A Storage: Keys must be properly tagged and stored in a secure cabinet and area when not in use. Each facility must have at least one complete set of facility keys.

28 Locks & Keys 2060.0370 Subpart 2 The license holder must ensure that: –All security issues are promptly addressed. –No residents are placed in a secure room or area that has inoperable locks. –Security locks and gates are inspected daily with inspection documented.

29 Weapons, Tools Equipment 2960.0380 Dangerous materials that may threaten security or safety must be secured, inventoried and dispensed. When not in use, tools must be kept in locked storage areas. Security precautions must be developed regarding any tools entering or leaving the facility.

30 Hazardous Substances 2960.0380 Subpart 3 No hazardous substances may be stored in the living areas. A hazardous substance may only be handled by staff or residents under direct staff supervision.

31 Count Procedures 2960.0390 A facility must have: –Written statement of system used to count residents. –A count must occur at least every 8 hours. –Facilities must be able to account for the total number of residents at any given time. Changes in the number of residents must be documented and reported immediately.

32 Hospitalization of Residents 2960.0400 A resident who requires hospitalization must be supervised 24 hours daily unless: –The facility administrator has determined the resident does not need custody supervision. –The attending physician believes the resident is incapacitated.

33 Restrictive Procedures 2960.0410 For a detention facility to utilize restrictive procedures: –They must use the restrictive procedures as indicated in their statement of intended use. –They must also have the restrictive procedures certification.

34 Secure Physical Plant Standards 2960.0420 New secure juvenile facility construction plans must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Corrections.

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