Rotary Club of Meriwether County August 2010 Shop is a new site where you may purchase on-line different items from.

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1 Rotary Club of Meriwether County August 2010 Shop is a new site where you may purchase on-line different items from Rotary. You may make donations to your favorite causes and review new promotional items for the club to use to promote Rotary. Take a look and see what you like. SHOP ROTARY PROUD TO BE A ROTARIAN? - SHOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP. Once a month on the club assembly day WEAR your Rotary Shirt to work… Tuesday’s at Magic City Grill 12noon Manchester, GA Sledge Auto Group has agreed to become the collection point for a community wide school supply drive. Holding up one of the banners provided by Signs& Stuff is Kris Jessee, left, Rotary President Lisa Thompson, center and Ernie Sledge beside the Chevy truck they hope to fill up with school supplies. The Rotary Club of Meriwether County and Sledge Auto Group have launched a community wide drive for school supplies. Many students are unable to pay for all of the school supplies they need. In an effort to meet those needs, the Rotary Club and Sledge Auto are accepting donations from the community. Visit Casey Farmer joined the Rotary Club of Stone Mountain in 1996 and served as its President in 2001-2002. Prior to serving as President of the Club, Casey held several club committee positions including Bulletin Editor for two consecutive years. Then as fate would have it, he joined several of his Club members on a World Community Service project in Belize, where he saw first hand the impact that Rotary has on individual lives. Upon returning, Casey got more involved with Rotary including two additional projects in Mexico and Costa Rica. In 1999 he was named his Club’s Rotarian of the Year. As Club President, he led his club to a Runner-Up Best Club recognition as well as being individually awarded the District 6900 Sheffield Leadership Award. He is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, A Rotary Benefactor, Paul Harris Society Member, and a Will Watt Fellow. Both he and his wife, Missy, are Rotary Foundation Major Donors. His service continues at the Club level, having served on the Club’s Board of Directors since 2002 and as the Club’s Foundation Chair since 2003. In 2005-2006, Casey served as the Dekalb County Rotary Council Chairman and has been awarded the council’s PDG William M. Mulkey “Show Rotary Cares” award for his service at the Club level. Casey became involved at the District level during his year as Club President serving on the District Conference Committee as Public Relations Chair. Subsequently, he has served on two other District Conference Committees as House of Friendship Chair and Sergeant at Arms. Following his passion for the many missions of The Rotary Foundation, Casey served a three year term as a Foundation Group Representative. Additionally, he has served as an Assistant Governor for three consecutive District Governors. In 2008. Casey completed the course work for RLI and has become a Discussion Leader. Read More about District Governor Farmer at District Governor Casey Farmer Rotary Club of Stone Mountain, Georgia See Article in Manchester Star Mercury

2 Abney 07-10, Blackburn 07-10, Chapman 98-10, Claussen 07-10, Elliott 01-03, 06-10, Jordan 00-10, Kellum 97-10, Lewis 98-10, Loftin, E 92, 03-10, Loftin, J 98-10, Meares 03-10, McKinley 06-10, Middlebrooks 98-10, Patterson 02-10, Perdue 98-10, Quinlan 05-10, Turner 97-10, Thompson 08-10, Hale 08-10, Parham 08-10. Past Presidents David Jordan 1982 Jerry Loftin 1987 Elain Loftin 1993 Cliff Elliott 1994 Charlie Middlebrooks 1999 Ron Turner 2000 Laurie Lewis 2002 Jennifer Meares 2004 Bob Patterson 2007 Lori Quinlan 2008 Carolyn McKinley 2009 ================Will Watt Fellows============= David Jordan 1982 Jerry Loftin 1989 Elaine Loftin 1997 =======Rotary District 6900 Paul Harris Society Ron Turner =================Service=================== 50 Years Plus 30 Years Plus Robert Kellum David Jordan Jerry Loftin =============Paul Harris Fellows================ Jerry Loftin 1998/2007 Elaine Loftin 1989/2007 Robert Kellum, Jr 1991 Cliff Elliott 1994 Laurie Lewis 2002 Tab Blackburn 1994/2004 Ron Turner 1995/2000/2005/2007 New Paul Harris Fellow – Faye Perdue 2009 Paul Harris Sustaining Members President - Lisa Thompson Pres. Elect-Jon Hale Sec/Treasurer- Aaron Mabon Sergeant-At-Arms –Kris Jessee Public Relations – Laurie Lewis Immediate Past Pres / Club Admin – Tab Blackburn Membership - Tina Dufresne Service Projects – Sherry Jessee & Helen Claussen Public Relations – Laurie Lewis Club Officers NEW Rotary Club of Meriwether Website: Free website with no hosting – please go take a look and give feedback Visit August 2010

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