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School-wide PBS TBSI: Positive Behavior Support Project PBS School-wide Tier 1 Overview.

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2 School-wide PBS

3 TBSI: Positive Behavior Support Project PBS School-wide Tier 1 Overview

4 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: “Getting Started”

5 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Learning Environment  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

6 Benefits of PBS Process for decision-making Increase in instructional time Decrease in office discipline referrals Consistency Connections Increase in responsible behaviors Increase in achievement/performance Safe and positive learning environment

7 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

8 Positive and Proactive vs. Reactive and Punitive

9 Consequences Events that happen “after” the behavior has already occurred Do not generally change behavior for our “high risk” students

10 Successful Implementation Requires Balance  Setting Limits  Rules  Code of Conduct  Consequences  Compliance  Prevention  Proactive  Positive  Instructional  Behavior Change

11 To Change Student Behavior It Often Requires A Change In Adult Behavior

12 The biggest obstacle to changing the way things are is the way things are!

13 Prevailing Myths Behavior can be controlled through punishment. Role-bound authority is the bottom line. But discipline used to work– didn’t it? If getting tough doesn’t work, get tougher. Randy Sprick, Ph.D., “Safe and Civil Schools”

14 Proven Truth! There exists a relationship between Academic Difficulty & Problem Behavior

15 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” students  Safety  Positive Learning Environment  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

16 The Journey Staff, students and parents are continually striving to make the school a supportive and potentially life changing learning environment for ALL students.

17 Individual Students Classroom/Small Groups School- Wide Individual Classroom & Small Group School-wide

18 Tier One School-wide All students

19 Tier Two Classrooms Specialized groups of students

20 Tier Three Specialized Individualized Systems approach for students with “High Risk”

21 Three-Tiered Model of PBS Supports Universal Selected Targeted (All Students) Schoolwide Systems of Support 80-90% of Students (At-Risk Students) Classroom/Small Group Strategies 5-10% of Students (High-Risk Students) Individual Intervention 1-5% of Students

22 Red Flags that initiate systems- support for individual students System Resources available to assist staff in designing support plans for individual students Behavior Support Effective Instruction Universal strategies at the school-wide and classroom levels designed to support ALL students Individual Support Plans Randy Sprick, Ph.D., “Safe and Civil Schools”

23 Positive Behavior Support is About… is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Learning Environment  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

24  Supportive learning environments must be physically safe, socially civil and academically productive for ALL  All means All; Everyone

25 Meeting The Needs Of Students Physical Safety Social-Emotional Safety

26 Emotional Safety: Meeting Basic Human Needs  Survival  Recognition  Acknowledgement  Attention  Belonging  Competence  Nurturing  Purpose  Stimulation/Change

27 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Learning Environment  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

28 Positive Learning Environment  Climate is the Behavior of the Staff  Every building has it’s own Personality  Tone  Disinvitational messages can be lethal School Climate = School Safety

29 I don’t just GO here; I BELONG here.

30 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

31 Structure and Organization The way a setting is structured has a big impact on the behavior and attitude of people in that setting.

32 Structure Your School for…  School-wide behavior expectations and procedures  Teach and re-teach behavior expectations  Actively supervise and monitor  Gather and analyze data to  Facilitate effective decision- making  Assist in setting priorities  Provide feedback to and/or from staff members and the team

33 Develop and Implement School-wide Expectations, Rules & Procedures  Goal  Behavior expectations  Range of possible consequences  Encouragement procedures  Supervision responsibilities  Teaching responsibilities

34 The Art of Supervision  Visibility  Circulating  Scanning  Instructional  Interacting positively  Professional  Intervening proactively

35 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

36 This Is NOT a Canned Program  No silver bullet  No quick fixes  No magic dusts or potions

37 What Variables Can We Manipulate?

38 PBS: A Problem-Solving Process That Involves  Vision  Leadership team  Ownership of all staff  Data-driven decisions  Setting Priorities  Acting  Evaluating if it’s working  Celebrating success  Identifying opportunities for improvement

39 Your Team Will Drive an On-going Improvement Process

40 The Process ReviewCollect data PrioritizeSet prioritized improvement goals ReviseManage the development of improvement proposals AdoptConduct formal processes for staff to approve or reject improvement plans Implement Motivate and monitor staff Maintain implementation of new procedures.

41 Role of the Team  Lead and facilitate the process  Meet on a regular basis  Gather, summarize, and analyze data  Communicate effectively with staff  Provide effective staff development  Represent your peers  Share enthusiasm/encouragement  Model what you expect from staff/students  Build capacity

42 Capacity Building is Critical for Sustainability

43 Role of the Administrator(s)  Leadership  Vision  Commitment  Accountability  Encourage  Empower  Model and lead by example  Communicate negotiables/ non-negotiables

44 Role of the External Coach/Facilitator  Facilitate  Resource  Networking  Training/staff development  Cheerleader  Questioning

45 Role of Students “The real expert life coaches are – Children!”

46 What Does School- wide PBS Implementation Look Like? School-wide Tier 1

47 Develop a focused and Comprehensive Staff Development Plan

48 Setting the Stage for a safe and positive learning environment is important, not only in the classroom, but all other parts of the school and throughout the entire day.

49 Develop and Implement School-wide Expectations for your Campus  Goal  Behavior expectations  Range of possible consequences  Encouragement procedures  Supervision responsibilities  Teaching responsibilities

50 Clear Consistent Expectations

51 (Close to Home © Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate. All rights reserved.) You can have too many rules!

52  Clap at appropriate times Common Area PerseveranceRespectResponsibility Arrival and Dismissal Areas  Bobcats never give up on becoming model citizens!  Follow adult directions  Greet others with “good morning”/say “goodbye”  Wait in designated areas  Use sidewalks/crosswalks  Arrive and leave on time Assembly  Bobcats never give up on becoming model citizens!  Remain seated with hands to self and eyes on speaker  Mouth closed  Ears alert Hallways  Bobcats never give up on becoming model citizens!  Walk with voices off  Keep hands to self  Walk on the right side of the hall with eyes forward, stopping at each tape marking Cafeteria  Bobcats never give up on becoming model citizens!  Talk using inside voices with the people next to you  Treat everyone with respect  Get all utensils and supplies before sitting down  Stay seated in your assigned seat and raise your hand for help Playground  Bobcats never give up on becoming model citizens!  Include others in play  Play safe  Keep playground area clean  Leave rocks and sticks on the ground.

53 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Data-driven Decisions  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

54 Data-driven Decisions “Music To My Ears”





59 Impact of Disciplinary Removals Schools with higher rates of suspension also have  Higher student teacher ratios  Lower academic quality ratings  Pay less attention to school climate  Spend disproportionate time on discipline  Have less effective school governance

60 People have different points of view. Would your staff consider this a mild/moderate or severe behavior? How would each of you respond if a student said this to you?

61 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” Students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process/Problem Solving  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

62 Are we sending consistent messages to our students?


64 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

65 “If you want it…teach it…model it… re-teach it!”

66 Positive Behavior Support is About…  Prevention  “All” students  Safety  Positive Climate and Culture  Structuring for Success  Process  Consistency  High Expectations and Productivity  Teaching and Modeling Behavior  Fidelity and Outcomes

67 Fidelity and Outcomes  Implement PBS with Fidelity  Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ)  Outcome Measures

68 Reflection  Does your school discipline process:  Help students accept responsibility?  Place high value on academic engagement and achievement?  Teach alternative ways to behave?  Focus on restoring the environment and social relationships in the school?  Provide clear and consistent expectations/feedback to students?

69 School-wide PBS Project  Project Description  Three Tier Model  Team Selection  In-Depth Team Training  Technical Support  Data Collection and Analysis  School Profile/Data Elements  Role of District Coordinator

70 The implementation journey begins here… if you make the commitment

71 “To Do” List Make the commitment…make PBS a priority Review Readiness Checklist Develop a campus team Secure support from majority of staff Gather baseline data Complete School-wide Modules 1-3  Module 1- PBS Introduction  Module 2 - Moving The Team And Process Forward  Module 3 - Guidelines for Success

72 School-wide PBS Project: Getting Started  Commitment Agreement  Campus Profile  Readiness Checklist  Important Dates

73 Where are you now? Where do you want to go?

74 “Q & A Time” Are You In?

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