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MOBILITY and PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAINING COURSE Community Learning and Living You will learn: Why public transport training is a risky business. What needs.

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Presentation on theme: "MOBILITY and PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAINING COURSE Community Learning and Living You will learn: Why public transport training is a risky business. What needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOBILITY and PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAINING COURSE Community Learning and Living You will learn: Why public transport training is a risky business. What needs to be in place before you travel with your client. How to ensure your client is safe on the road. The importance of learning how to assess your client’s abilities by using assessment tools that work. How to develop a transport training program for clients who have a range of disabilities and abilities. The Mobility and Public Transport Training course is designed for professionals and key workers to learn to identify the risks encountered when supporting people with a disability to travel independently in the community. WHERE? Ground Floor Yooralla 244 Flinders Street Melbourne 3000 WHEN? Course is run 2 days a week, Mondays and Tuesdays for 6 days. Commencing on the 22 nd of November (see attachment). All 6 days (9am-3pm) must be attended and a date for Practical Assessment will be arranged. A manual containing Assessment Documents and handouts are provided. A certificate of attendance is given Please note that some walking is involved in this course so comfortable shoes should be worn. COST. $500 -Light lunch included. Please inform us if you have specific dietary requirements. Closing date for applications: Friday 12 th November 2010 The course is being run by specialist staff from Yooralla’s Community Learning and Living. Enquiries to:Mary Vella on 9916 5811 Email: Fax:9916 5900 Yooralla

2 MOBILITY and PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAINING COURSE Workshop Outline and Dates ALL SESSIONS WILL RUN FROM 9am TO 3pm Day 1  Monday 22 nd November > Introduction to Mobility Transport Training > Training Techniques Day 2  Tuesday 23 rd November > Program Planning > Assessment and Maintaining Trainee Files Day 3  Monday 29 th November > Aids and equipment used in Public Transport Training Day 4  Tuesday 30 th November > Functional Assessment in the Community Day 5  Monday 6 th December > Communication & Mealtime Assistance > Disability Awareness in Relation to M&PTT Day 6  Tuesday 7 th December > OHS and Insurance. > Duty of Care and Responsibility. > Advocating for Change > Protective Behavior

3 Registration Form Course/Workshop Details: Course/Workshop Title Start Date Fee ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Given name: …………………………….. Family name: …………………………………… Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Position held: …………………………………………………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… Telephone: …………………………….Email: …………………………………………….... Mobile: …………………………… Registration will be confirmed on receipt of payment. Send completed Registration Form and CHEQUE to : Yooralla Community Learning and Living 244 Flinders St Melbourne 3000 Vic Print name: ………………………… Signature: ……………………………. Cancellation: If you need to withdraw from course/workshop, you are required to give at least 24 hours notice. A cancellation fee may apply. Tel. Enquiries: Mary Vella : 9916 5811 E-mail: Fax No: 9916 5900 Please inform us if you have any special lunch requirements

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