Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow PROGRAMME 09:00 Registration and Coffee 09:30Welcome Dr Alison.

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow PROGRAMME 09:00 Registration and Coffee 09:30Welcome Dr Alison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow PROGRAMME 09:00 Registration and Coffee 09:30Welcome Dr Alison Kilpatrick, WoSOA president SESSION 1 Quality Improvement 09:40PROMPT Mr Timothy Draycott, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultant, North Bristol NHS Trust 10:20Evidence based language on the labour ward Dr Malcolm Broom, Consultant Anaesthetist, Princess Royal Maternity, Glasgow 10:50Discussion 11:00Coffee & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 2 Maternal Critical Care 11:20 MCC: Level 2 patients on the labour ward Dr Pamela Johnston, Consultant Anaesthetist,Ninewells, Dundee 12:00MCC: What happens when you need level 3 care? Dr Rupert Gauntlett, Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle 12:40Discussion 13:00 Lunch & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 3 Obstetric Anaesthesia 14:00Making epidurals work Dr Steven Young, Consultant Anaesthetist, Princess Royal Maternity, Glasgow Parallel session Interactive workshops for midwives Obstetric Anaesthetic Fellows, Mrs Pinky Virhia, Lecturer, Practice Development 14:40Pick of the posters Dr Gavin Scott and Dr Ross Junkin, Consultant Anaesthetist, Crosshouse, Ayrshire Dr Kathryn McIntosh, Consultant Anaesthetist, FVRH, Larbert 15:10Discussion, Bursary Winners, Prize presentations 15:20Coffee & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 4 Debating the controversies 15:40Propofol and rocuronium should replace Thiopentone and Suxamethonium for induction of general anaesthesia for operative delivery For- Dr Andy Clark, Obstetric anaesthetic fellow, WOS Against- Dr Sue Wilkinson, Consultant Anaesthetist, SGUH, Glasgow 16:20Discussion and voting 16:25Closing remarks and feedback Dr Alison Kilpatrick On line registration wosoa Email registration Abstract submissions

2 Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow Online registration and payment via available BOOKING FORM Name……………………………………………..…………… Designation………………………………………................... Base Hospital……………………………………................... Address…………………………………………....................... ……………………………………………………..................... Email 1……………………............................................. Email 2................................................................... Tel........................... Special dietary requirements………………….. Are you happy for us to contact you via email regarding future WOSOA meetings? ☐ Yes ☐ No Study day cost ☐ Consultant / SAS£120 ☐ Trainee£80 ☐ Midwife / ODP / Anaesthetic Nurse£20 or free if abstract accepted Please make Cheques payable to “ West of Scotland Obstetric Anaesthetists” Post or email Mrs Susan Hemmens Department of Anaesthetics 2 nd Floor, Walton Building Glasgow Royal Infirmary Glasgow G4 0SF Tel: 0141 2114620 Send email registrations Abstract submissions (deadline 13 th September 2015)

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