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1 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Can Machines Transfer Knowledge from Task to Task? Isabelle Guyon Clopinet, California.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Can Machines Transfer Knowledge from Task to Task? Isabelle Guyon Clopinet, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Can Machines Transfer Knowledge from Task to Task? Isabelle Guyon Clopinet, California

2 2 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Web platform: Server made available by Prof. Joachim Buhmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Computer admin.: Thomas Fuchs, ETH Zurich. Webmaster: Olivier Guyon,, France. Platform: Causality Wokbench. Co-orgnizers: David W. Aha, Naval Research Laboratory, USA. Gideon Dror, Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, Israel. Vincent Lemaire, Orange Research Labs, France. Graham Taylor, NYU, New-York. USA. Gavin Cawley, University of east Anglia, UK. Danny Silver, Acadiau University, Canada. Vassilis Athitsos, UT Arlington, Texas., USA. Protocol review and advising: Olivier Chapelle, Yahoo!, California, USA. Gerard Rinkus, Brandeis University, USA. Urs Mueller, Net-Scale Technilogies, USA. Yoshua Bengio, Universite de Montreal, Canada. David Grangier, NEC Labs, USA. Andrew Ng, Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, California, USA. Yann LeCun, NYU. New-York, USA. Richard Bowden, University of Surrey, UK. Philippe Dreuw, Aachen University, Germany. Ivan Laptev, INRIA, France. Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley, USA. Greg Mori, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Christian Vogler, ILSP, Athens, Greece Data donors: Handwriting recognition (AVICENNA) -- Reza Farrahi Moghaddam, Mathias Adankon, Kostyantyn Filonenko, Robert Wisnovsky, and Mohamed Chériet (Ecole de technologie supérieure de Montréal, Quebec) contributed the dataset of Arabic manuscripts. The toy example (ULE) is the MNIST handwritten digit database made available by Yann LeCun and Corinna Costes. Object recognition (RITA) -- Antonio Torralba, Rob Fergus, and William T. Freeman, collected and made available publicly the 80 million tiny image dataset. Vinod Nair and Geoffrey Hinton collected and made available publicly the CIFAR datasets. See the techreport Learning Multiple Layers of Features from Tiny Images, by Alex Krizhevsky, 2009, for details. Human action recognition (HARRY) -- Ivan Laptev and Barbara Caputo collected and made publicly available the KTH human action recognition datasets. Marcin Marszałek, Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid collected and made publicly available the Hollywood 2 dataset of human actions and scenes. Text processing (TERRY) -- David Lewis formatted and made publicly available the RCV1-v2 Text Categorization Test Collection. Ecology (SYLVESTER) -- Jock A. Blackard, Denis J. Dean, and Charles W. Anderson of the US Forest Service, USA, collected and made available the (Forest cover type) dataset. CREDITS

3 3 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge What is the problem?

4 4 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Can learning about...

5 5 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge help us learn about…

6 6 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Can learning about… publicly available data

7 7 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge help us learn about… Philip and Thomas Philip Anna Solene Anna, Thomas and GM Omar, Thomas Philip Martin Bernhard Philip Thomas personal data

8 8 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Transfer learning Philip and Thomas Philip Anna Solene Anna, Thomas and GM Omar, Thomas Philip Martin Bernhard Philip Thomas Common data representation

9 9 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge How?

10 10 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Vocabulary Target task labels Source task labels

11 11 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Vocabulary Target task labels Source task labels

12 12 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Vocabulary Target task labels Source task labels Domains the same? Labels available? Tasks the same?

13 13 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Taxonomy of transfer learning Adapted from: A survey on transfer learning, Pan-Yang, 2010. Transfer Learning Unsupervised TL Semi-supervised TL Inductive TL No labels in both source and target domains Labels avail. ONLY in source domain Labels available in target domain No labels in source domain Labels available in source domain Transductive TL Cross-task TL Same source and target task Different source and target tasks Self-taught TL Multi-task TL

14 14 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Taxonomy of transfer learning Adapted from: A survey on transfer learning, Pan-Yang, 2010. Transfer Learning Unsupervised TL Semi-supervised TL Inductive TL No labels in both source and target domains Labels avail. ONLY in source domain Labels available in target domain No labels in source domain Labels available in source domain Transductive TL Cross-task TL Same source and target task Different source and target tasks Self-taught TL Multi-task TL

15 15 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised transfer learning

16 16 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge What can you do with NO labels? No learning at all: –Normalization of examples or features –Construction of features (e.g. products) –Generic data transformations (e.g. taking the log, Fourier transform, smoothing, etc.) Unsupervised learning: –Manifold learning to reduce dimension (and/or orthogonalize features) –Sparse coding to expand dimension –Clustering to construct features –Generative models and latent variable models

17 17 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised transfer learning P R Source domain 1)

18 18 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised transfer learning P 1)

19 19 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised transfer learning P 1) P Target domain 2) Task labels C John

20 20 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised transfer learning P Target domain C Emily

21 21 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Manifold learning PCA ICA Kernel PCA Kohonen maps Auto-encoders MDS, Isomap, LLE, Laplacian Eigenmaps Regularized principal manifolds

22 22 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Deep Learning Deep Belief Networks (stacks of Restricted Boltzmann machines) Stacks of auto-encoders Greedy layer-wise unsupervised pre-training of multi-layer neural networks and Bayesian networks, including: preprocessor reconstructor

23 23 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Clustering K-means and variants w. cluster overlap (Gaussian mixtures, fuzzy C-means) Hierarchical clustering Graph partitioning Spectral clustering

24 24 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Example: K-means Clusters of ULE valid after 5 it. Start with random cluster centers. Iterate: o Assign the examples to their closest center to form clusters. o Re-compute the centers by averaging the cluster members. Create features, e.g. f k = exp –  ||x-x k ||

25 25 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Results on ULE: do better! Raw data: 784 features K-means: 20 features Current best: AUC=1, ALC=0.96 ALC=0.79ALC=0.84 AUC log2(num. tr. ex.) AUC log2(num. tr. ex.)

26 26 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Unsupervised learning (resources) Unsupervised Learning. Z. Ghahramani. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Out-of-Sample Extensions for LLE, Isomap, MDS, Eigenmaps, and Spectral Clustering. Y. Bengio et al. Data Clustering: A Review. Jain et al. Why Does Unsupervised Pre-training Help DL? D. Erhan et al. Efficient sparse coding algorithms. H. Lee et al. sparsecoding.pdf sparsecoding.pdf

27 27 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Taxonomy of transfer learning Adapted from: A survey on transfer learning, Pan-Yang, 2010. Transfer Learning Unsupervised TL Semi-supervised TL Inductive TL No labels in both source and target domains Labels avail. ONLY in source domain Labels available in target domain No labels in source domain Labels available in source domain Transductive TL Cross-task TL Same source and target task Different source and target tasks Self-taught TL Multi-task TL

28 28 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Cross-task transfer learning

29 29 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge How can you do it? Data representation learning: –Deep neural networks –Deep belief networks (re-use the internal representation created by the hidden units and/or output units) Similarity or kernel learning: –Siamese neural networks –Graph-theoretic methods

30 30 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Data representation learning Source task labels P C Source domain Sea 1)

31 31 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Data representation learning P 1)

32 32 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Data representation learning P 1) Target task labels P C Target domain John 2)

33 33 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge P C Target domain Emily Data representation learning

34 34 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Kernel learning P S Source domain P Source task labels same or different 1)

35 35 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Kernel learning P 1)

36 36 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Kernel learning P 1) Target task labels P C Target domain John 2)

37 37 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge P C Target domain Emily Kernel learning

38 38 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Cool results in cross-task transfer learning NLP (almost) from scratch. Collobert et al. 2011, submitted to JMLR Source task Target tasks pos=Part-Of-Speech tagging chunk=Chunking ner=Named Entity Recognition srl=Semantic Role Labeling Genuine or not

39 39 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Cross-task transfer (resources) A Survey on Transfer Learning. Pan and Yang. http://www1.i2r.a- Distance metric learning: A comprehensive survey. Yang-Jin. 32 32 Signature Verification using a "Siamese" Time Delay Neural Network. Bromley et al. Learning the kernel matrix with semi-definite programming, Lanckriet et al. a.pdf a.pdf NLP (almost) from scratch. Collobert et al. 2011,

40 40 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Taxonomy of transfer learning Adapted from: A survey on transfer learning, Pan-Yang, 2010. Transfer Learning Unsupervised TL Semi-supervised TL Inductive TL No labels in both source and target domains Labels avail. ONLY in source domain Labels available in target domain No labels in source domain Labels available in source domain Transductive TL Cross-task TL Same source and target task Different source and target tasks Self-taught TL Multi-task TL

41 41 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Multi-task learning

42 42 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Multi-task learning Source task labels P C Source domain Sea Target task labels Target domain John

43 43 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Multi-task learning P C Target domain Emily

44 44 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Cool results in multi-task learning One-Shot Learning with a Hierarchical Nonparametric Bayesian Model, Salakhutdinov-Tenenbaum-Torralba, 2010

45 45 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Taxonomy of transfer learning Adapted from: A survey on transfer learning, Pan-Yang, 2010. Transfer Learning Unsupervised TL Semi-supervised TL Inductive TL No labels in both source and target domains Labels avail. ONLY in source domain Labels available in target domain No labels in source domain Labels available in source domain Transductive TL Cross-task TL Same source and target task Different source and target tasks Self-taught TL Multi-task TL

46 46 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Self-taught learning

47 47 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Self-taught learning P C Source domain Target task labels Target domain John

48 48 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Self-taught learning P C Target domain Emily

49 49 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Cool results in self-taught learning Source task Target task Unsupervised Semi-supervised Multi-task Self-taught Self-taught learning. R. Raina et al. 2007

50 50 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Inductive transfer learning (resources) Multitask learning. R. Caruana. Learning deep architectures for AI. Y. Bengio. Transfer Learning Techniques for Deep Neural Nets. S. M. Gutstein thesis. One-Shot Learning with a Hierarchical Nonparametric Bayesian Model. R. Salakhutdinov et al. MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-052.pdf?sequence=1 MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-052.pdf?sequence=1 Self-taught learning. R. Raina et al. ghtLearning.pdf ghtLearning.pdf

51 51 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Dec 2010-April 2011 Goal: Learning data representations or kernels. Phase 1: Unsupervised learning (until Feb. 28) Phase 2: Cross-task transfer learning (from Mar. 1) Prizes: $6000 + free registrations + travel awards Dissemination: Workshops at ICML and IJCNN; proc. in JMLR W&CP. Evaluators Challenge target task labels Challenge data Validation data Development data Validation target task labels Source task labels Competitors Data represen- tations

52 52 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge July 2011, ICML - Dec 2011, NIPS Multi-task learning setting: - Synthetic, Real-world - Supervised learning - Binary classification problems. - 5-10 secondary tasks, 1 primary - Impoverished primary task data in development set - Diversity of tasks with varying degree of relatedness to primary task Target task challenge labels Challenge data (target only) Validation data (target only) Development Data (source + target data) Target task validation labels All task labels Competitors Predic- tions

53 53 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge STEP 1: Develop a “generic” sign language recognition system that can learn new signs with a few examples. STEP 2: At conference: teach the system new signs. STEP 3: Live evaluation in front of audience. June 2011-June. 2012 (in preparation) Challenge

54 54 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge Conclusion Transfer learning algorithms offer solutions to problems in which – a lot of training samples are available for a source task, – fewer training samples are available for a similar but different target task. We stated a program of challenges featuring problems in which transfer learning is applicable.

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