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Presentation on theme: "LAKESHA MARTIN MAY-12-11 SOCAIL STUDIES MR.FOWLER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Antirealists- individuals who opposed ratification.. American system- polices devised by Henry clay to simulate growth industry Annex-to add a territory to one own territory

3  BOYCOTT - to refuse to buy items from particular countries Blockade runner- sips that sails into and out blockade area. Bond- a note issued buy the government which promise to pay off a loan

4 Cash crop- farm crops raised to be sold for money Cabinet- a of advisers to the presidents Canal – an artificial water way

5 Debtor –person or country that owes money Desert- to leave with out permission Disarmament- removal of weapons

6 Emancipate- to free from slavery Export –to sell good aboard Entrenched – occupying a strong defensive position

7 Frigate- warships Freeman- a person free from slavery Fugitive- a runaway or out trying to runaway

8 Global warming- a steady increase in the world temperature Greenback- a piece of paper money issued out but the north during the civil war Genocide the deliberate destruction of a good or racial political o cultural

9 Holocaust- the name that the Jews had during the world war 2 Hieroglyphics- an ancient form of writing. Human right- right regarded as belonging to pall person such as freedom from awful imprisonment torture and execution

10 Ice age –a period of extremely cold temperature when part of the planets surface was covered with massive of ice sheets Implied power- power not specifically mentioned Import –to buy goods from foreign markets

11 Judicial review-the right of supreme if a law violates the court to determine if a law violate the constitution Judicial branch- the branch of government including the federal court system that interpret the nation Joint occupation- the possession and setting of an area shared by two are more countries

12  Kennedy-35 th president he was the vice president to Lyndon b Johnson.  Kansas-bleeding Kansas  Kansas –Nebraska act-the act was called the bleeding Kansas because all the blood that was lost

13  Legislative-the branch of government that make the nations laws.  Loyalists-colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independent.  Landslide-an over whelming victory

14  Mission-religious statement  Majority-more than a half  Mayflower compact-a formal document that was written in the 1620 that provide law and order to plymouth

15  Normal school-a two year school for training high school graduate as teacher.  Nullify-to cancel or make ineffective  Nutarls-taking no side in a conflict

16  Offensive-position of attacking or the attack.  Ordinance-a law or regulation  Override-to overturn or defeat as ability proposed in congress.


18  Quakers-every individual had inner light  Quebec act-found Quebec in 1608  Quebec-the capital of new Mexico

19  Ratify- to give offical approval  Relocate-to force a person to move  Recruit-to enlists soldiers an the army

20  Secede-to leave with out permission  Secession-with draw from the union  Suffrage-the right to vote

21  Taiff- a tax on imports or export  Tejano-a Mexican that call Texas his home  Tribute-money paid for proctetion

22  Utopia-community based on a vision  Unalienable right-a right that can not be surrender  Unconstitional-not agreeing on consistent with the constitution.

23  veto-to reject a bill and prevent it from coming a law.  Vaquero-hispanc ranch hands.  Vigilantes-people who take the law into their hands.

24  War hawks-republicans during presidency who pressed for war with great bratian.  Wrist of assiantce-document that enable officer to search homes  West vrigina- sperate state

25  Xyz affair-the president urged united state to have war.

26  Yankee-union soldier  Yeoman-southern owners of a small farm.  Yellow journalism-a type of sensational

27  Zenger john peter-faced charges of liberty.


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