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Hypnosis, Biofeedback, and Meditation

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1 Hypnosis, Biofeedback, and Meditation
Lesson 7-2

2 Bell Ringer Read exploring psychology p. 191

3 Objectives Determine how hypnosis relates to consciousness
Describe research into such techniques as biofeedback and meditation.

4 What is hypnosis? Hypnosis-
a form of altered consciousness in which people become highly suggestible to changes in behavior and thought. Go into what is called a hypnotic trance.

5 Hypnosis Franz Anton Mesmer- first person to practice hypnosis
thought body was full of magnetic fluid that could become misaligned would pass a magnet over the body to realign the blood

6 Hypnosis Later, he said he had animal magnetism
said his patients were mesmerized

7 Hypnosis People can’t be hypnotized unless they want to be
A person can’t be made to do things they wouldn’t do when they were awake.

8 Theories of Hypnosis Under hypnosis, people can more easily imagine and remember things

9 Uses of Hypnosis Hypnotists can suggest things for the participants to remember or forget when the trance is over. Called posthypnotic suggestion lady who couldn’t hear word psychology Has been used to help people lose weight and quit smoking

10 Uses of Hypnosis Has been used to help Olympic athletes achieve peak performances Hypnotic analgesia refers to reduction of pain due to hypnosis Help people gain insight into their lives and work out their problems

11 Biofeedback A technique where a person learns to control their internal physiological processes light goes off every time your heart rate too high, you learn to control heart rate t.v. show

12 Biofeedback Have taught people to control frontalis muscle in the forehead to reduce tension headaches. Has been used to help asthma suffers learn to control and relieve the tightening of the muscles around the airways

13 Meditation The focusing of attention to clear one’s mind and produce relaxation. 3 major types transcendental meditation- involves mental repetition

14 Meditation Mindfulness meditation from the Buddhists
focus on the present moment move your focus through the body

15 Meditation Breath meditation- concentrating on one’s respiration
also used to help people lower heart rates and blood pressure

16 Meditation One of the tools of meditation is koan- a riddle or question that has no answer provokes concentration and self-control What is the sound of one hand clapping?

17 Meditation What did your face look like before your parents were born?

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