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Status of the Roman Pot Movement System and the Interlocks Mario Deile 10.03.2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Roman Pot Movement System and the Interlocks Mario Deile 10.03.2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Roman Pot Movement System and the Interlocks Mario Deile 10.03.2010

2 Achieved during the Shutdown Lessons from the 2009 run: RP movement system operational but: stability issues position calibration not satisfactory because of HW interventions after the calibration Interlocks functional according to machine requirements but: some less critical components missing (movement inhibit, emergency extraction) some functionalities implemented on a “bricolage” level (OVERRIDE1 flag given by shorting an interlock box input with a cable) Improvements during the shutdown: Concerted action of the experts to track errors and improve stability New LVDT position calibration New geometrical survey of the RP, this time including the BPMs Systematic test of all RP microswitches, controlled by CCC and TOTEM DCS Construction of a control panel in the TOTEM CR with emergency push buttons (e.g. RP extraction via springs) key-protected switches for OVERRIDE signals and movement inhibit First part of interlock tests done

3 Microswitches and Electrical Stoppers Limiting the RP Travel from Xavier Pons

4 Interlock Block Diagramme Home Switch 1 AND RP_HOME 1 RP_HOME 12 x 12 LVDT 1 FESA compare Position 1 Position 12 x 12 Limits GMT (SMP) CIBU 1 (double) ALL_RP_HOME DEVICE_ALLOWED USER_PERMIT1 (Beam 1) USER_PERMIT1 (Beam 2) Home Switch 12 LVDT 12 x 12 compare CIBF 1 INJECTION_PERMIT (Beam 1) CIBF 2 INJECTION_PERMIT (Beam 2) TOTEM Operator OVERRIDE1 OR STABLE_BEAM NOT_BACK_HOME IN MOTOR CONTROL RACK OR CIBU 2 (single) lent to CMS until spring 2010 DAQTR_OUT USER_PERMIT2 (Beam 1 + 2) IN S2E11 (TRIGGER/DAQ) RACK x 12 ALL_RP_HOME Motor Control DAQTR 1 AND DAQTR_OUT 1 DAQTR_OUT 12 x 4 DAQTR 4 x 4 DAQTR DOWN OVERRIDE2 all machine flags x 12 TOTEM INTERLOCK CARD IN CMS INTERLOCK RACK S1E08 OR AND all machine flags ALL_LVDT_OK hardwired to 1 until needed

5 Remaining Issues Near and medium future: Completion of interlock tests scheduled for Fri/Sat 12/13.03. (needs very special machine conditions and collimation expert operations) Stability of movement control system to be observed (still occasional crashes of PXI or FESA machines; not seen during operation). No further HW/SW modifications allowed before and during the run (would invalidate the interlock tests) Train semi-experts for depannage of the motorisation computers During the run: repeated BLM response studies (cooperation of TOTEM + collimation group + BE-BI) Try to reconcile the collimation alignment and the BPM measurement using the survey Long-term plans: Improvements of the interlock logic (to be implemented on our spare interlock box): Addition of a manual injection inhibit (so far, injection permit fully determined by RP home switches) Separation of injection and beam permits for beam 1 and 2 Problem: state of the OVERRIDE keys not transmitted to DCS  no remote monitoring Addition of an emergency RP extraction possibility in the CCC ?

6 Backup Material

7 Prevent machine mode changes while detectors not prepared:  Handshakes via DIP functional in 2009handshake test done  Injection Permit hardware signal from interlock card, based on RP “home” microswitches functional in 2009microswitch test done, injection permit test done Prevent illegal and unwanted RP positions and movements:  automatic retraction hardware signal from interlock card, based on RP position, machine mode functional in 2009new position calibration done, interlock test partly done  emergency extraction buttonnot impl. in 2009implemented and tested  movement inhibitnot impl. in 2009implemented and tested Dump the beam in case of illegal RP position: USER PERMIT hardware signal from interlock card based on RP position, machine mode and position limits from collim. system functional in 2009new position calibration done, interlock test partly done Possibility of expert operation outside “STABLE BEAMS” (collimation group studies): OVERRIDE1 signal (input to interlock card) crude solution in 2009 key switch implemented and tested on 13.02. Summary: Interlock Functionalities and Status

8 System Overview. CCC TOTEM FESA Server NI PXI Motor Control Roman pots Position requests, limits Position requests Alarms Extraction Emergency Extraction CIBU, CIBF Interlock control rack (common with CMS) USER_PERMIT, INJECTION_PERMIT FESA ICD DIM ICD Interlock card GMT Machine mode OVERRIDE STABLE_BEAMS, DEVICE_ALLOWED microswitches

9 Interlock Block Diagramme (part 2) Motor Control ALL_RP_HOME all machine flags ALL_LVDT_OK interlock signals zoom NOT_BACK_HOME BACK_HOME x6 Beam 1 USER_PERMIT1_B1 USER_PERMIT1_B2 OR x6 OR Beam 2 ALL_LVDT_OK ALL_RP_HOME RP_HOME(i) [i = 1, … 12] all machine flags Information USER_PERMIT2 x6 EXTRACT (springs via “disable”) EXTRACT

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