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 Powerful tool for teaching and learning  Students become thoughtful judges of work  Reduce time evaluating work  Easy to use and explain ~Heidi.

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Presentation on theme: " Powerful tool for teaching and learning  Students become thoughtful judges of work  Reduce time evaluating work  Easy to use and explain ~Heidi."— Presentation transcript:



3  Powerful tool for teaching and learning  Students become thoughtful judges of work  Reduce time evaluating work  Easy to use and explain ~Heidi Goodrich Andrade

4 1. Look at models 2. List criteria 3. Articulate gradations of quality 4. Practice on models 5. Use self- and peer-assessment 6. Revise 7. Use teacher assessment ~Heidi Goodrich Andrade

5  Developed learning outcomes  Consolidated and reduced learning outcomes  Reviewed rubric models (11 of them!) and culled best elements  Drafted rubric  Peer advisers (U of M, CIS) used and reacted to draft  Revised

6  Piloted with Career and Internship Preparation Course  Revised  Feedback from Brad and Pam  Revised  MCUCSA Presentation  Revise!



9  Students can produce a resume that describes their education, skills, experiences and measurable achievements with proper grammar, format and brevity.  Students demonstrate an ability to target the resume to the presenting purpose.

10 Resume Learning Outcomes MCUCSA Career Learning Outcomes Learning Outcome Domain Blooms Taxonomy Students can produce a resume that describes their education, skills, experiences and measurable achievements with proper grammar, format and brevity. Students will effectively present their qualifications to enhance their educational and career goals. Life Skills (Practical Competence in CAS) Understand Apply

11 Resume Learning Outcomes MCUCSA Career Learning Outcomes Learning Outcome Domain Blooms Taxonomy Students demonstrate an ability to target the resume to the presenting purpose. Students will analyze and articulate their interests, skills, values, and strengths and relate them to educational and career plans. Students will identify, evaluate and use sources of information relevant to making career decisions. Self Realization (Intrapersonal Development) Thinking (Cognitive Complexity – CAS) Analyze Evaluate Create





16  Share with students – integrate in handouts  Resume reviews with peer advisers  In classes or workshops  Resume approval process for job posting systems

17  Check boxes?  Comments ?  Checklists?  More vs. less detail?

18 Understanding Rubrics by Heidi Goodrich Andrade Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Rubric samples for many disciplines

19 Thanks to Brad Kmoch, Carleton, and Pam Weller, Minnesota State U Mankato for helping with this project!



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