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Years of Crisis: The Interwar Period 1920s-1930s.

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1 Years of Crisis: The Interwar Period 1920s-1930s

2 Journal #12 What do you remember about Russia’s role in World War I? What happened in Russia in 1917?

3 A step back to the Russian Revolution What was life like in Russia before World War I? Government: Autocracy ◦ Absolute rule by one person Czar/tsar: Emperor ◦ Alexander II ◦ Alexander III ◦ Nicholas II (World War I, Russian Rev.)

4 How did czars rule? Russia was backward Most people lived in poverty (90%) ◦ Serfs: Unfree peasants No political parties Censorship/no freedom of speech Secret police Pogroms (especially against Russian Jews)

5 Radicals Want Change Marxism (Socialism/Communism): ◦ Philosophy of Karl Marx ◦ 1848: The Communist Manifesto Idea: Lower class workers would overthrow the upper class nobility Create a society with no classes Everyone would share wealth equally

6 Terms to make sure you share in your groups Serfs Intellectuals Marxists Clergy

7 Journal #13 Based on your research from yesterday, why do you think so many Russians became upset with the czar by the early 1900s? Think about different groups that would want change and use your notes if you need help. ICE! Give examples/evidence!

8 Changing conditions Industrialization ◦ Workers demand more rights ◦ Soviets (worker’s councils) created End of serfdom

9 People who wanted change Socialists (Communists): ◦ Wanted total social, economic, and political change, not just a few reforms Groups: ◦ Mensheviks: Workers should be involved in revolution, patient and gradual approach ◦ Bolsheviks: Workers should be led by a small, organized group of upper class leaders

10 Most famous Bolshevik: Lenin

11 Journal #14 Take out your Narrowed Topics for me to collect. Give your thoughts on this question: Is violence justified in trying to change a form of government? Why or why not? Tip: Use a historical or current events example.

12 Two big revolutions 1905: Russo-Japanese War 1917: World War I (Russian Revolution) Two parts: ◦ February Revolution: Overthrew the czar  Protests by women factory workers  Leaders in the Duma (legislature) set up a provisional (temporary) government  Democracy

13 Journal #15 List anything you already know about Communism and the Soviet Union OR List everything you remember about the Russian Revolution from the film.

14 October Revolution Much more radical Lenin overthrows the provisional government Bolsheviks took over, left WWI Civil war between the Red (Bolshevik) forces and the White (anti-Bolshevik) forces Bolsheviks win and set up the Soviet Union

15 Communism Proletariat (workers) would overthrow the capitalists (owners of business) Capitalism vs. Communism: What are the pros and cons?

16 New Leader: Stalin

17 Journal #16 The Russian Revolution is an example of a violent, political revolution. However, is this the only type of revolution? What are some other kinds of “revolutions”? Hint: What does the word “revolution” make you think of? What are some phrases that have the word “revolution” in it?

18 The Interwar Years A time of contradictions… ◦ Tensions between old and new ◦ Mood of optimism and anxiety ◦ How do we get from WWI to WWII?

19 Today’s Essential Questions How did new scientific ideas challenge old beliefs? Why did philosophers begin to question old thinking? What were the new styles in art, music, and literature?

20 New Revolutions Society ◦ Group 1: Paige, Hunter, Matt, Jeremy ◦ Group 2: Britta, Leah, Megan Technology and Science ◦ Group 3: Evan, Brennan, Stephanie ◦ Group 4: Kenna, Elias, Mike Art ◦ Group 5: Kelsey, Sean, Shawn ◦ Group 6: Molly, Alex, Karl Literature ◦ Group 7: Julia, Thomas, Brittany ◦ Group 8: Cassie, Holly, Sami, Sara

21 Group Presentation Questions Based on your documents, what inferences can you make about the attitude and ideas of this time period? How might World War I have influenced its message? How do your documents demonstrate “revolutionary” ideas or changes?

22 Important Terms to Know: Existentialism Surrealism Suffrage

23 Persistence of Memory

24 Guernica

25 Journal #17 1. In a bad economy, who might people turn to for help? 2. What might happen to a country’s government and society if the economy does not improve?

26 Germany Weimar Republic: Democratic government after WWI Blamed for: ◦ Hyperinflation: Money loses value Dawes Plan helps ◦ US sends money to Germany, lowers reparations Bad economy makes people want strong leaders ◦ Threatens democratic governments

27 Great Depression Begins in the United States Long term problems (1920s):  Most Americans could not afford goods  Farmers in debt 1929: Stock Market Crash Depression spreads around the world US can’t give Germany money, then Germany can’t pay back France and Britain

28 Stock Market Stocks and shares

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