Section :1 The First Israelites 1. Early Israelites Pg 81 New people entered the region (around the Mediterranean Sea) after the fall of the Egyptian.

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1 Section :1 The First Israelites 1

2 Early Israelites Pg 81 New people entered the region (around the Mediterranean Sea) after the fall of the Egyptian Empire. People called the Israelites built a kingdom in Canaan. 2

3 Who were the Israelites? Pg 81 The Israelites focused on one God. This belief is called Monotheism. The Israelite religion became Judaism (followers are called Jews). In their language (Hebrew), they wrote their history and beliefs which became the Hebrew Bible. The Israelites believed they were decedents of a man named Abraham. In the Bible, it says that God told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia and go to Canaan. 3

4 Who were the Israelites? Pg 81 Abraham had a grandson named Jacob. They called him Israel. Jacob had 12 sons in Canaan. His family was divided into tribes, or separate family groups. The Israelites lived in Canaan for 100 years. A drought came and they had to move to Egypt. 4

5 From Slavery to Freedom Pg 81-82 Life was bad in Egypt. The pharaoh needed men to build his pyramids and enslaved the Israelites. To prevent a rebellion he ordered all baby boys be thrown into the Nile River. The Bible says that one desperate mother put her baby in a basket and hid him on the river bank. The pharaohs daughter found the baby and named him Moses. 5

6 When he grew up he tended sheep outside of Egypt. About 1290 B.C. he heard a voice and saw a burning bush. From Slavery to Freedom Pg 81-82 He believed that God was telling him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom. 6

7 From Slavery to Freedom Pg 81-82 To get the pharaoh to let the Israelites go, the Bible says that God sent 10 plaques to trouble Egypt. The last plague that God sent was all Egyptian first born children were killed. This convinced the pharaoh to let them go. 7

8 From Slavery to Freedom Pg 81-82 As they started to leave the pharaoh changed his mind and sent troops out to get them. The Bible says that God parted the Red Sea to let them pass. When the Egyptians started coming the water went back together and killed them. 8

9 What are the Ten Commandments? Pg 82-83 9 The Bible says that on the journey to Canaan, Moses went to the top of Mt. Sinai where he received the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are part of the Torah (first part of the Hebrew Bible). Ark of the Covenant- a box that held the 10 commandments. These laws helped shape the moral laws of our nation and established the rule of law (laws apply to everyone).

10 What are the Ten Commandments? Pg 82-83 10 1.Do not worship any god except me. 2.Do not bow down and worship idols. 3.Do not misuse my name. 4.Remember the Sabbath day. 5.Respect your mother and father. 6.Do not murder. 7.Be faithful in marriage. 8.Do not steal. 9.Do not tell lies. 10.Do not covet.

11 The Promised Land pg 84 It took 40 years to reach Canaan When they got there, Canaanite people already lived there. Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan after Moses died. The Israelites believed God wanted them to conquer Canaan. They marched around the city of Jericho for 6 days. The walls fell and the Israelites overran the city. 11

12 The Promised Land pg 84 After Joshua died, a judge named Deborah took over and fought to expand Canaan. Phoenicians were skilled sailors and traders who lived in Canaan. They also developed an alphabet. This idea spread to the Greeks, then the Romans, and we it use today. 12

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