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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Physical process soilerosion Natural resources fossils.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Physical process soilerosion Natural resources fossils

2 Which ocean was produced by seafloor spreading between Africa and south America.

3 South Atlantic ocean

4 As distance increases from a mid ocean ridge, do the rocks get older or younger?

5 Grow old

6 Assume a seafloor has been separating at an average rate of 5 centimeters a year. The sea is presently 8,000 kilometers wide. How long ago did the sea begin to form.

7 160,000,000 years ago

8 A convection current of magma is made up of.

9 A rising less dense liquid and a sinking more dense liquid

10 Plate tectonics describes movements mainly in

11 Earths crust

12 What is the last stage in the production of soil?

13 Fungi and bacteria break down organic matter.

14 Soil is made up of…

15 Weather rock and organic matter

16 What process is mainly responsible for producing minerals and nutrients in very young soil.

17 Production of acids by bacteria and fungi.

18 From top to bottom, what are the horizons of soil.

19 Topsoil, subsoil, bedrock.

20 Which of the following contains organic materials.? Unweathered rock grass water air

21 Grass.

22 What is mainly responsible for preventing erosion, choose one of the following. Mining Farming Rooting of plants Logging.

23 Rooting of plants

24 Which human activity is related to loggoing.

25 Clear-cutting.

26 A landslide is an example of.

27 Erosion.

28 In what part of the united states was the dust bowl located.

29 Central.

30 What was the main cause of the dust bowl.

31 Drought.

32 Terracing is an method used to conserve, which of the following Water Air Soil Fuel

33 soil

34 A windbreak conserves

35 Soil.

36 For a family of four, what indoor use of water consumes the most water per day

37 Flushing toilets

38 How can we prevent automobile air pollution?

39 Switching to cars that run on electricity.

40 How is farming most likely to produce water pollution.

41 Fertilizers may enter bodies of water.

42 What can fossils reveal about earths past.

43 Only changes in earths climates over time.

44 A seashell on top of a hill most likely indicates that.

45 The hill was once under the sea.

46 Finding a fossil of a palm tree in Alaska could explained what about the climate of Alaska.

47 Once was warmer than it is now

48 If you found a fossil of a fresh water animal in a desert, what could you conclude.

49 The river once flowed through the desert.

50 The fossil of a tiny horse is found in a layer of rock below the fossil of a larger horse. What can you conclude about the ages of the fossils?

51 The tiny horse fossil was older than the larger horse fossil.

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