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Three “Classic” Styles of Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Three “Classic” Styles of Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Three “Classic” Styles of Leadership
Developed by Lewin, Lippitt and White 1939 Examples provided by: Kendra Cherry and Money-Zine

2 Authoritarian (Autocratic)
Clearly articulate a vision Experts in the field Little to no input from others Decision-making is less creative Can be viewed as controlling, dictating Wikipedia Wikipedia

3 Delegative (Laissez-Faire)
Offer little or no guidance Provides materials and answers questions Group makes decisions Good choice if workers are highly skilled Can lead to a lack of motivation and effort

4 Participative (Democratic)
Offer guidance to group members Encourages participation and input Employees more motivated and productive Very time-consuming

5 Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership
By Rose Johnson

6 Transactional Provide rewards or punishment
The team sets predetermined goals Manager reviews results and trains/corrects employees

7 Transformational High levels of communication
Leaders motivate employees through visibility Focuses on the big picture Tasks are delegated amongst team members

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