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Teacher/Trainer Focus Group Recommendations to Overcome Barriers Identified in this Group.

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1 Teacher/Trainer Focus Group Recommendations to Overcome Barriers Identified in this Group.

2 Education/training/informal learning  Inclusion vs. Special Schools Debate (Baroness Warncock – “Special Needs Education has been abused”, The Telegraph 18 September, 2010) – role of Special Schools in an age of Inclusive Education;  Greater emphasis on the 4 levels of classroom accommodation as proposed by Giangreco, M.F. (2007).

3 Education/training/informal learning  Teacher Courses redesigned to include specialisation on Disability Learning/Education;  Extending principle of Inclusion to Further and Higher Education level;  Establishing clear Learning Outcomes with a view to assessment and validation/accreditation;  In particular at the Further/Higher Education levels increased tendency for parents/carers to feel under duress - greater reassurance by service providers;  Focused Career Guidance for students with disability.

4 Resources/Opportunities  What is the major concern of Employers? That full-time employees training PwD are not being productive.  To overcome the above – there should be a scheme at the EU level to finance the wage/salary of full-time employees who are training PwD (a maximum period of time could be established). Employers also need to get to know better PwD.

5 Resources/Opportunities  Families are a critical aspect in a child’s development – Appoint Key Workers to help families make best decisions.  A conviction that:  Birth should never be destiny (Nick Glegg, Liberal Democrat Spring Conference, 13 March, 2010).

6 Attitudes/perception/awareness  Education should be wide-ranging to include parents/families;  Families need to be supported too;  The public needs to understand better what the term disability implies. Media campaigns. Finding role models/best practices who could serve to champion such a drive.

7 Structural/administrative  Greater networking by the various actors involved in the field of disability;  Collaboration NOT Competition to create a spirit of Trust(fragmentation and areas of interests);  Lobbying at key EU DGs like Education and Culture or Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

8 Environmental/physical accessibility  Debate Formal vs. Informal Education (Schools not equipped to prepare students for Informal Education);  An Individual Transition Programme starting at Year 9 of the Compulsory Education Cycle involving all agencies providing a service to the student.

9 State of the Economy  All disadvantaged groups are being affected by the current economic crisis. Public budgets are under increasing pressure.  Its an Employers Market. Idea of obligating employers to recruit PwD can be counterproductive. More research at the European level on the topic is suggested.

10 State of the Economy Structurally, EU industry (therefore employers) are Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises. “..some 23 million SMEs provide around 75 million jobs and represent 99% of all enterprises.” (The New SME definition – User Guide and Model Declaration, p. 5, European Commission)

11 Implications for PwD and employment prospects? A greater sensitivity towards needs of employers BUT concurrently a greater awareness of how to harness and exploit the fact that “support for SMEs is one of the European Commission’s priorities for economic growth, job creation and economic and social cohesion” (ibid. p.5), to increase employment prospects for PwD.

12 Open Labour Market A better understanding of the implications of using the above terminology and how it can affect employment prospects of PwD. Should there be greater emphasis on policies of affirmative action in relation to employment opportunities?

13 Accessibility  Mainstream schools should be visited by Disability Officers to ensure compliance with specific standards;  Such standards should be applicable in all EU member-states;  Possibility for employers to employ PwD for a specific time frame without being subject to legal procedures if employment is terminated.

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