Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin.

2 Question 1

3 Question 2

4 Question 3

5 Answers 1)c

6 Title


8 Title Page Title, picture, other introduction information. Your name, My name, Class, Date

9 Maps (where is your place?)

10 What is…  What is your event?  Why is it important?  Is it common? Why or why not?  Where does it occur normally?  Show some pictures of same event or similar and describe them.  Describe scientifically.  Detail! Get specific!

11 When…  When did this event occur?  When did other similar events occur?  Is there any relationship to seasons? Why?  Pictures or charts of timing?

12 Time line or timing of event  What happened when, minute by minute time line.  If not applicable or possible give a general time line, use other events as an example.

13 What causes this event?  Teach the causes of this event  This should be a good description, pretend no one knows what you are talking about!  Be very specific! Never too much detail as long as its related!  Wow the audience with your understanding!

14 Who is affected?  Who was affected by this event or this type of event?  Why was it these people and not others?  Is there anything they could have done?

15 Possible Warning  What could people do to prepare for this event?  What could scientists do?  Is there any way to predict?  Evacuation plan

16 Facts  Numbers IE dead injured  Area affected  Other facts for event  Cool things that happened?  Compare to other events

17  Add a few larger pictures if you wish here.  Add pictures to other sides too!  You can add video too but plan ahead and save on flash drive from home some sites do not work in school!  PLAN AHEAD with videos, have them checked by the teacher on projector ahead of time. (do you need sound? Is the website available? Can you download it? Convert it? Pictures or movies

18 What If...possible similar future events  Where there other similar events like yours?

19 Works Cited (need for ALL pictures and information)  List all your sources:  Books  Newspapers  Magazines  Internet website (just give the web address)

20 DELELTE this slide Get a copy of the grading rubric and grade your work yourself. I bet you find something you missed!

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