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Dwarf Planets Pluto Eris Ceres

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1 Dwarf Planets Pluto Eris Ceres
The 3 dwarf planets in our solar system,(the milky way galaxy)

2 Pluto Pluto and it’s moons. Pluto has 3 moons. The largest is Charon.
The other 2 are Nix and Hydra. Nix and Hydra were discovered in 2005. Charon was discovered in 1978.

3 Pluto’s rotation and revolution
Its revolution time is years. Pluto’s rotation time is 6 days earth time.

4 Pluto’s location to the sun
Pluto’s location or distance from the sun is 3’666.3(millions of miles).

5 Pluto’s History Pluto was the only planet discovered by an American. Though Pluto's existence was long-predicted, it was Clyde Tombaugh, a 23-year-old from Kansas who first discovered the wayward little dwarf in 1930. Pluto was named after an eleven year old that same year.

6 Eris and its moon: Dysnomia

7 Dysnomia Dysnomia… Dysnomia was discovered in 2005.
It is the only moon (that we know of)for ERIS. Dysnomia…

8 ERIS’ Rotation and Revolution time.
Eris’ rotation period is 1.08 earth days. Its revolution time is earth years. ERIS’ rotation and revolution:

9 Eris’ location to the sun.
Eris is so far away that it’s beyond the kuiper belt. It’s in a zone of icy debris. It’s beyond the orbit of Neptune. It’s so far away that it freezes the surface with an icy glaze. Eris

10 Eris’ history Discovery in 2003 – 2005.
Eris was discovered in 2003 by Mike Brown. It was confirmed as a dwarf planet in 2005. Discovery in 2003 – 2005.

11 We hope you paid attention!!!
POP QUIZ TIME… WHEN WAS ERIS DISCOVERED ? What is the name of Pluto’s largest moon? What is the 3 names of the dwarf planets in our solar system? What are the names of the other two moons for Pluto? What is the revolution time for ERIS? We hope you paid attention!!!


13 Ceres has no moons… (That we know of).

14 Rotation and Revolution
Ceres’ revolution is Earth days. Ceres’ rotation time is 4.6 Earth years.

15 Ceres location from the Sun
Ceres’ location from the Sun is 446,669,320 kilometers (277,547,448 miles)

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