The Basic Tenants of Nonprofit Governance: Roles and Responsibilities/Defining Position Descriptions for Committees, Task Forces, and Other Work Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basic Tenants of Nonprofit Governance: Roles and Responsibilities/Defining Position Descriptions for Committees, Task Forces, and Other Work Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basic Tenants of Nonprofit Governance: Roles and Responsibilities/Defining Position Descriptions for Committees, Task Forces, and Other Work Groups A&WMA Leadership Training Academy April 5, 2014 Greg L. Johnson Sections & Chapters Council Vice Chair (2013-15)

2 Or…

3 Presentation Overview Overview of key functions and responsibilities Organization model Detailed list of activities for key positions Guidance Manuals

4 Core Functions Reflect A&WMA’s vision, mission, and purpose Member services Program delivery Communication Administration/operations Provide networking opportunities

5 Member Services Recruitment Membership types Membership lists Renewals Chapter liaison Welcome package Awards/scholarship Retention Work with Sections & Chapters Council Membership Committee ‘Lost’ member Welcome at meetings

6 Program Delivery International Meetings ▫Conferences ▫Workshops ▫Annual Meeting Section/Chapter Workshops/Conferences Dinner/lunch/ breakfast meetings Venues for future events Resource guides Public education Joint meetings with other organizations Air Workshop

7 Planning Planning is important, but:

8 Planning Strategic plan Future trends and directions Nominations for: ▫“replacements” ▫Key positions (Board, chair) ▫Auditors ▫International awards

9 Communications Section/Chapter publicity Work with program committee on event publicity Newsletter Section/Chapter directory (?) Website A&WMA presentation Display booth Promotional materials Links to divisions, other councils

10 Administration Financial records Budgets Cash flow Accounts Taxes and registration* Minutes Annual reports Financial planning Financial protocols Financial statement for annual report Bylaw review Bylaw changes * extremely important

11 Networking Breakfast/Dinner Meetings Workshops/Conferences Annual Meeting Volunteer Leadership Committees Work Groups Other meetings..ACE? Social? On-line?

12 Staffing your Team “ And as amoebas, you’ll have no problem staffing....just keep dividing and delegating, dividing and delegating”

13 Leadership Models Small group (4-5) ▫Quick decisions ▫Consistency ▫Recruitment ▫Often quick way to “repair” or start ▫Not a long term viable solution!

14 Load Distribution Overworking volunteers can be a problem:

15 Sustainable Staffing Structure and organization ▫Shared workload ▫Avoid burnout ▫Better and more extensive services ▫Opportunities for involvement ▫Pool for future leadership ▫Networking ▫Fresh ideas ▫Sustainable

16 Structure Officers Directors Committee Chairs (Officers & Directors must be members of A&WMA)

17 Staffing Matching the right people for the job:

18 Duties of Chair Fully aware of A&WMA responsibilities, including programs and activities Direct Section/Chapter/committee, including training Communications with A&WMA Board and Executive Committee Chair Section/Chapter Board meetings Appoint/confirm chairs for committees Ensure legal requirements are met

19 Chair - Specific Tasks Select committee chairs Submit List of officers to Headquarters Initial planning meeting to set schedule for year Set goals Preside at all meetings “Cheer lead” committee chairs Training of board Ensure annual report is submitted on time

20 Duties of Chair Setting the right priorities can motivate people:

21 Duties of Vice-Chair Prepare and plan for following year Attend all meetings Preside meetings in absence of chair Other executive functions as directed by chair Responsible for Planning and Nominations committees (or those functions)

22 Duties of the Secretary Record and distribute minutes Send out agenda for next meetings Work with Chair on meeting schedules and locations Annual Reports

23 Section Annual Report/Minasian Award Application (includes Chapter reports) Chapter Annual Report/Chapter Cup Application And awards for membership growth This is how we know you are active and doing well…where we focus efforts and where we send fees AND also for insurance purposes

24 Duties of the Treasurer Finances of Committee or Section or Chapter Keep accurate records in accordance with legal requirements Understands Money Policy and rituals Disburse monies as directed Receive monies and deposit Financial report to Board and for annual report

25 Duties of the Treasurer Submit financial records for audit Recommendations on financial management Work with Board to develop annual budget

26 Possible Duties of Past-Chair To stay involved Sometimes takes communication leads/special projects. Responsibilities as directed by Chair and Board (usually a specific senior liaison role)

27 Linkages to the “Rest of A&WMA” Membership chair is part of S&C Council’s Membership Committee Membership chair should interact directly with HQ on membership list Education chair should interact directly with HQ on ERGs and delivery Education chair should interact directly with Ed. Council on issues Chair or appointee is member of Sections and Chapters Council

28 Linkages to the “Other” TCC; to their Divisions, possibly with a Section or Chapter on events YPAC all S&Cs, Ed Council, Tech Council S&C YP committees, to YPAC EC and S&Cs w.r.t. Student Chapters

29 Manuals Officers Manual for Sections and Chapters YP –How to Start a YP Group Tech Council: Guide for TCC Ontario Section Guidebook (nth edition) Louisiana Section Board & Chair Manual PNWIS Section Manual Available electronically upon request Key recommendation: “living documents”

30 Organizational Model for “Living Manuals” ▫Calendar of events ▫Structure ▫Names and addresses of Board/Committee Chairs/Key Persons ▫Operating guidelines for Board/Committees ▫Financial rituals ▫Bylaws

31 Key Messages: You can’t do it all yourself….delegate You can’t do it all….prioritize (and enjoy the journey and smell the flowers along the way!)

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