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Opening Prayer Volunteer.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Prayer Volunteer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Prayer Volunteer

2 Homework Some Fingerseek 1 & 2 hasn’t been turned in. Turn them in either tonight or next Wednesday. New homework assignment: Attend the Deaf Branch 25th at 9AM. Write approximately one page essay of what you have learned when attending the Deaf Branch.

3 Start Quiz #2 In the first 5 to 10 minutes, fill out the question.
When done, the instructor will sign the words we’ve learned weeks ago. Turn in the quiz when finished.

4 We thankful opportunity this class Please bless us can have thy spirit
PRAYER! Our Father Heaven We thankful opportunity this class Please bless us can have thy spirit We appreciate brother/sister ________ prepare lesson Help us learn remember things she/he teach We say these things name Jesus Christ, Amen.

5 During/while

6 School

7 counterclockwise motions
Sunday clockwise/ counterclockwise motions OR From top to bottom

8 Cultural Notes Some deaf tend to keep their eyes open and stand near a table or a chair while offering public prayers due to balance problems or a desire to be aware of that is going on around them. While giving blessings it is common to place your hands on the receiver's head briefly and then stand back and sign the prayer and then conclude by again placing your hands briefly on the person's head.

9 Next week Study for the signs you have just learned
We will have another simple quiz. We will learn how to sign the sacrament blessings.

10 Closing Prayer Volunteer

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