Presenting the Classics How to Help Students Think Higher For URL connections click the back arrow then the open button to return to the Power Point.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting the Classics How to Help Students Think Higher For URL connections click the back arrow then the open button to return to the Power Point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting the Classics How to Help Students Think Higher For URL connections click the back arrow then the open button to return to the Power Point.

2 Deadlines Workshop Time Workshop Time Workshop Time Workshop Time Must Dos and Get to Dos Must Dos and Get to Dos Must Dos and Get to Dos Must Dos and Get to Dos Allow Negotiation BEFORE the work on: Allow Negotiation BEFORE the work on: Due Dates, Assignments, Grading Criterion

3 Holding Their Hands You dont have time. Let me do it for you… You dont have time. Let me do it for you… over the internet which includes Next Steps (bottom corner of Teachers Ed.) over the internet which includes Next Steps (bottom corner of Teachers Ed.)internet through my contact page through my contact pagecontact FAQ: when they cant figure it out. FAQ: when they cant figure it out. FAQ

4 Teacher Generated Rubrics Allow Create Clear Expectations for Independent Work: A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Rubistar Rubistar Rubistar Six Traits Six Traits Six Traits Six Traits

5 Student Generated Rubrics More Powerful than teacher generated. More Powerful than teacher generated. Some Rubrics they can use. Some Rubrics they can use.Rubrics Sign students up to learn how. Sign students up to learn how. Sign students up Sign students up

6 Feedback Portfolio Assessment Portfolio Assessment Portfolio Assessment Portfolio Assessment Round Robins Round Robins Rubrics that students fill in before the teacher Rubrics that students fill in before the teacher Re-Submitting Re-done work responding to your feedback Re-Submitting Re-done work responding to your feedback Interview (Cathy Nunleys approach, see step 5) Interview (Cathy Nunleys approach, see step 5)Cathy NunleysCathy Nunleys Let them know how it effects the Reading grade! Let them know how it effects the Reading grade!

7 Student Think Higher! Happy Students Happy Students Happy Parents Happy Parents Happy Teachers Happy Teachers

8 Must Dos and Get to Dos When creating these for your Open Court plans, start with the Classics Responding to Literature books. When creating these for your Open Court plans, start with the Classics Responding to Literature books. Read through the directions, Next Steps and the web helps to determine which pages should be considered Must Dos. Read through the directions, Next Steps and the web helps to determine which pages should be considered Must Dos. Allowing students freedom to choose which of the remaining pages they would like to do (Get to Dos) is part of differentiating. The web helps may make the decision easier for them. Allowing students freedom to choose which of the remaining pages they would like to do (Get to Dos) is part of differentiating. The web helps may make the decision easier for them.

9 Workshop Time is Differentiated With Differentiated Instruction… With Differentiated Instruction… Needs of advanced learners are met Needs of advanced learners are met Students become independent, self-motivated learners Students become independent, self-motivated learners Students make decisions about activities Adapt skills learned from direct teaching to self-teaching situations. [and grading] Students make decisions about activities Adapt skills learned from direct teaching to self-teaching situations. [and grading] Students can the make the best use of Workshop when: …rules are posted, materials are available…the teacher closely supervises this time. [= set time limits for when work is due.] Students can the make the best use of Workshop when: …rules are posted, materials are available…the teacher closely supervises this time. [= set time limits for when work is due.] (from p.13I 2 nd grade teacher ed. of Open Court Reading)

10 Some Rubrics They Can Use A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator A Rubrics Generator Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators Rubistar Rubistar Rubistar Six Traits Six Traits Six Traits Six Traits In the Responding the Literature there are multiple directions throughout the page. Consider a vertical line down the side of the workbook page to ensure each section is completed. In the Responding the Literature there are multiple directions throughout the page. Consider a vertical line down the side of the workbook page to ensure each section is completed.

11 Portfolio Assessment Students choose which complete assignments to submit as their best. Students choose which complete assignments to submit as their best. This may be done at the end of a chapter or a unit. This may be done at the end of a chapter or a unit. If done at the end of the year you may want to have them choose the unit project they are most proud of to display. If done at the end of the year you may want to have them choose the unit project they are most proud of to display.

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