Quantum Cryptography Beyond the buzz Grégoire Ribordy CERN, May 3rd 2006.

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1 Quantum Cryptography Beyond the buzz Grégoire Ribordy CERN, May 3rd 2006

2 www.idquantique.com 2 Outline  Quantum physics and information technology  The limits of classical cryptography  The principles of quantum cryptography  Practical systems and applications  Future directions

3 www.idquantique.com 3 Moore’s law and quantum physics

4 www.idquantique.com 4 Classical and Quantum physics Classical physics  … - 1900  Describes the macroscopic world  Deterministic  Intuitive Quantum physics  1900 - …  Description of the microscopic world  Probabilistic  Central role of the observer  Not very intuitive Quantum physics  Novel information processing possibilities  Quantum Information Theory (QIT)

5 www.idquantique.com 5 Generating random numbers with quantum physics  High bit rate 4 or 16 Mbits/s  Continuous monitoring  Main OS’s supported

6 www.idquantique.com 6 Outline  Quantum physics and information technology  The limits of classical cryptography  The principles of quantum cryptography  Practical systems and applications  Future directions

7 www.idquantique.com 7 Introduction: Classical Cryptography  Secret Key Cryptography  Public Key Cryptography Alice Bob Different keys  Key exchange solved Vulnerabilities!!!

8 www.idquantique.com 8 Security of public key cryptography Encryption Decryption (with key) Selected Key Length

9 www.idquantique.com 9 Vulnerabilities of public key cryptography Selected Key Length

10 www.idquantique.com 10 Vulnerabilities of public key cryptography & Theoretical progress Selected Key Length

11 www.idquantique.com 11 Where does Quantum Cryptography fit in?  Message Secret Key Scrambled Message  Secret Key Alice Bob Quantum Cryptography is a key distribution technique! Quantum Key Distribution is a better name!!! Secret key exchange by quantum cryptography

12 www.idquantique.com 12 Outline  Quantum physics and information technology  The limits of classical cryptography  The principles of quantum cryptography  Practical systems and applications  Future directions

13 www.idquantique.com 13 Physical implementation of a data channel Fragile ! "0" "1" Classical communicationQuantum communication Security guaranteed by the laws of quantum physics

14 www.idquantique.com 14 Quantum Cryptography: rules of the game 1.Details of the protocole publicly known 2.Goal: to produce a secret key or nothing  « Eve cannot do better than cutting the line » Alice and Bob: to estimate Eve’s information on key I AE small: Produce a key I AE large:   k’ Eve Quantum channel Classical channel QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION

15 www.idquantique.com 15 Polarization of Photons  Direction of oscillation of the electric field associated to a lightwave  Polarization states  What can we do with it ? 50 %

16 www.idquantique.com 16 Irreversibility of Measurements Incoming photon polarized at 90  Incoming photon polarized at 45  50 % Rotation of polarizer 50 %

17 www.idquantique.com 17 Quantum communications  Transmitting information with a single-photon  Use a quantum property to carry information Liner States = "0" = |0> = "1" = |1>

18 www.idquantique.com 18 Eavesdropping (1)  A single-photon constitutes an elementary quantum system It cannot be split  Semi-transparent mirror 50%

19 www.idquantique.com 19 Eavesdropping (2)  Communication interception  Use quantum physics to force spy to introduce errors in the communication |0> Eve BobAlice

20 www.idquantique.com 20 Quantum Cryptography Protocole  BB84  A better name: Quantum Key Distribution 0 0 0 0

21 www.idquantique.com 21 Eavesdropping (3) 50% Bob Eve Ok Error Alice

22 www.idquantique.com 22 Key Distillation (ideal case) AliceBob Quantum channel Qubits Transmission Basis Reconciliation QBER estimate QBER = 0 : no eavesdropping > 0 : eavesdropping Sifted key Reveals rather than prevents eavesdropping quantum key distribution A better name: quantum key distribution

23 www.idquantique.com 23 Key Distillation (realistic case) AliceBob Quantum channel Public channel (losses) Qubits Transmission Basis Reconciliation QBER estimate Error correction Privacy amplification Sifted key Raw key Key

24 www.idquantique.com 24 Information curves 0.40.0 Shannon Information 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 QBER I AE Opt. indiv. attack Secret key rate

25 www.idquantique.com 25 The Principles of Quantum Cryptography: Summary Quantum Cryptography Conventional Symmetric Cryptography Point-to-point optical link Future-proof key exchange with security guaranteed by the laws of physics

26 www.idquantique.com 26 Outline  Quantum physics and information technology  The limits of classical cryptography  The principles of quantum cryptography  Practical systems and applications  Future directions

27 www.idquantique.com 27 Building a Quantum Key Distibution System  Necessary components  “System approach” Channel Single-Photon Source Single-Photon Detector

28 www.idquantique.com 28 Polarization Coding  Typical system

29 www.idquantique.com 29 Interferences

30 www.idquantique.com 30 Interferometer  Classical interference

31 www.idquantique.com 31 Phase encoding  Quantum optics: single-photon Base 1:  A = 0;  Base 2:  A =  Basis choice:  B = 0;  Compatible: Alice  A  D i Bob D i   A (  A -  B = n  ) Bases Incompatible:Alice and Bob ?? (  A -  B =  )

32 www.idquantique.com 32 Phase encoding (2)  Stability of such system ???  In practice 10 km 10 km ± /10 (100 nm) +

33 www.idquantique.com 33 Auto-compensated set-up  Time multiplexing

34 www.idquantique.com 34 Practical requirements  Distance limitation < 100 km Current range is sufficient for a vast majority of MAN/SAN applications  Point-to-point dark fiber Amplifiers Opto-electro-opto conversion  perturbation of the quantum state of the photon Distance Signal, Noise p noise p signal

35 www.idquantique.com 35 Link Encryptors with QKD  Network Appliance Point-to-point link encryption Layer 2 device Network protocole independent Compatible with higher layer encryption Specifications - Encryption: AES (128, 192, 256 bits) - Key rate as high as 100 keys / s - Distance < 100 km (60 miles) - Pair of dark fiber Target Applications MAN or SAN encryption

36 www.idquantique.com 36 « Swiss Quantum » Pilot Site

37 www.idquantique.com 37 Outline  Quantum physics and information technology  The limits of classical cryptography  The principles of quantum cryptography  Practical systems and applications  Future directions

38 www.idquantique.com 38 Extending the key distribution distance  Chaining links  Better components  Free space links to low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites  Quantum relays and repeaters Tokyo Geneva

39 www.idquantique.com 39 Compatibility with conventional optical networks  Optical switching  WDM Links

40 www.idquantique.com 40 Thank you very much for your attention id Quantique SA Chemin de la Marbrerie, 3 CH-1227 Carouge Switzerland Ph: +41 22 301 83 71 Fax:+41 22 301 83 79 info@idquantique.com www.idquantique.com

41 41 Optical Taps  Optical taps are cheap and simple to use « Tapping a fibre-optic cable without being detected, and making sense of the information you collect isn’t trivial but has certainly been done by intelligence agencies for the past seven or eight years. These days, it is within the range of a well funded attacker, probably even a really curious college physics major with access to a fibre optics lab and lots of time on his hands. » John Pescatore, former NSA Analyst The submarine « USS Carter » worth $4.1 bn will be able to tap and eavesdrop undersea cables.

42 www.idquantique.com 42 Key use  The key produced by a quantum cryptography system is used with conventional symmetric encryption algorithms One-time pad  « unconditional security » Other symmetric algorithms (AES, Tripe-DES, etc.)  enhanced security by frequent key change  Why is Quantum Cryptography not used to transmit data? 1)Quantum Cryptography cannot guarantee that one particular bit will actually be received. With a random key, it is not a problem. With data, it is. 2)Quantum Cryptography does not prevent eavesdropping, but reveals it a posteriori. Sending a key and verifying its secrecy allows to prevent information leakage.

43 www.idquantique.com 43 Device Authentication Initial key Quantum Cryptography Session n: key material Authentication keyEncryption/decryption key Session n Authentication key n Authentication key refreshed

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