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Background for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

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Presentation on theme: "Background for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Background for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
16.1 and 16.2

2 Evolution Is… Change over time.
The process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.

3 Finches

4 Tree of Life

5 Charles Darwin Born in England, 1809

6 Darwin’s Five Year Voyage on the Beagle in 1831


8 Darwin’s Notebooks

9 Darwin Observation 1: Species vary globally.
Different, yet ecologically similar, animal species inhabited separated habitats around the globe. Example: flightless, ground dwelling birds in grasslands.

10 Darwin Observation 2: Species vary locally.
Different, yet related, animal species often occupied different habitats within a local area. Example: tortoises in the Galapagos.

11 Darwin Observation 3: Species vary over time.
Fossils of extinct animals were similar to living species.

12 Ideas That Influenced Darwin 1: Lamarck
Organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies. These acquired traits can be passed on to offspring, enabling a species to change over time.


14 Ideas That Influenced Darwin 2: Geology
Hutton and Lyell concluded that Earth is extremely old and the processes that changed Earth in the past still exist in the present.


16 Ideas That Influenced Darwin 3: Population Growth
Thomas Malthus reasoned that if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone.

17 Population Growth

18 Ideas That Influenced Darwin 4: Artificial Selection
Nature provides species variation, but humans select the variations they find useful (selective breeding).

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