The Safe Drinking Water Act By: Lexie Lewis Period: 2 Mr.Rall.

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1 The Safe Drinking Water Act By: Lexie Lewis Period: 2 Mr.Rall

2 1974 1984 1996 Name: The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Draft Year: 1974- congress provided safe drinking water for public health by passing this Act Amendment Years: 1984 and 1996 required actions that took place by protecting water sources such as; rivers, springs, lakes and ground water wells National: Federal Law in the U.S. set standards that oversee all states and water suppliers to regulate nation’s health

3 “At the tap” Function: Protects safe drinking water in the U.S. Agency: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) * Regulations: Ensure safe drinking water when combining ground water and surface water Essentially it provides safe TAP water! *Enforcement: EPA may take legal actions, issue administrative orders, or fine companies for using inappropriate standards that cause harm to the publics health

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