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Coastal Management Act 2009 A New Constitution for the Coast.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Management Act 2009 A New Constitution for the Coast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Management Act 2009 A New Constitution for the Coast

2 Earth is an Ocean Planet Oceans cover more than 75 % of Earths surface. Earths atmosphere and oceans form a single climate system. Land and ocean meet at the coast in complex ways.

3 Our Coasts Define Our Nation We are shaped by the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, five Great Lakes, Caribbean Sea, Bering Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Maine.

4 Coasts Link Land and Sea The U.S. is a sea- faring nation. Coasts are gateways to the world. Coasts provide food, transportation access, recreation, climate and ecosystem services.

5 Coasts are Diverse Steep mountains. Wide coastal plains. Estuaries and rivers. Sandy shores. Rocky shores. Ocean reefs and banks. Volcanic islands. Coral reefs. Bluffs and beaches. Barrier islands.

6 Coasts are Dynamic

7 Coasts are Biologic Engines Coastal ecosystems are biologically productive, wondrously diverse, widely variable over time and place. Coastal ecosystems are vulnerable to human effects.

8 Coasts are People Places Most of the Nations great cities and 53 % of our population are located on the coast. We recreate at the coast. We learn from and enjoy the coast.

9 People and Nature Compete at the Coast. Ocean and climate forces are vast, variable, and complex. People are relentless, determined, and clever. People have big effects. People have the capacity to manage.

10 Managing Americas Coasts A 37-year partnership: Programs in 34 coastal states & territories Funding for state programs Legal authority to review federal actions NERRS, CELCP, other programs 1972 National Coastal Zone Management Act

11 Times Change Results not demonstrated No priorities No performance measures No national mission 1998 last Congressional reauthorization 2005 OMB report:

12 A Time to Renew the CZMA NOAA and CSO joint Visioning Process 2006 – 2007 – many meetings, many places, many people & interests

13 A Time to Renew the CZMA Fall 2007 NOAA and CSO agreed to: 4 Cornerstones 13 Principles

14 Vision Cornerstones The CZMA should ensure the long term sustainability of coastal resources and communities; be goal-driven and results-oriented; coordinate and align federal, state, and local governments to address issues of national importance; and remain a voluntary partnership between federal government and the states in which each bears responsibilities for achieving program goals.

15 Vision Principles 1. Establish national goals and priorities. 2. Better align CZ boundaries with ecosystem functions. 3. Retain states rights through federal consistency. 4. Increase the engagement of local communities. 5. Establish measurable goals based on national priorities. 6. Empower NOAA to leverage its resources. 7. NOAA and the states are accountable for progress.

16 Vision Principles 7. Promote special area planning and management. 8. Establish protected areas. 9. Support regional partnerships. 10. Improve coordination across all levels of government. 11. Strengthen mechanisms to engage local governments. 12. Increase use of partnerships.

17 CSO Legislative Framework February 2008 Four National Priorities: Support healthy coastal communities and economies; Protect and restore coastal ecosystems, habitats, and unique resources; Prepare for impacts of climate change on the nations coasts; and, Ensure that local, state, regional, and federal coastal programs are coordinated and integrated at all appropriate scales.

18 CSO Legislative Framework Key Features Retain existing approved state programs and boundaries; Retain Essential Program Services and financial support; Add state, local capacity to address national priorities via - Comprehensive Program Assessment of needs and opportunities; - Voluntary 5-year State Action Plans to address needs; Address needs in Coastal Planning Area beyond approved CZ boundary; Identify outcomes and performance measures in Action Plans and implementation measures.

19 Coastal Management Act of 2009 Coastal States Organization draft approved October 2008

20 Coastal Management Act of 2009 Objectives 1. public access 2. port, navigation capacity 3. economic development 4. energy resource development 5. historical and cultural resources 6. working waterfronts 7. water quality 8. community resilience NATIONAL PRIORITY: SUPPORT HEALTHY, RESILIENT COASTAL COMMUNITIES AND ECONOMIES.

21 Objectives 1. habitats and natural resources 2. water quality 3. watersheds 4. management capacity 5. sediment management 6. marine debris Coastal Management Act of 2009 NATIONAL PRIORITY: PROTECT AND RESTORE COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS, HABITATS, AND RESOURCES

22 Objectives 1. adaptation strategy for each state 2. state, local planning capacity 3. potential sea level inundation risk 4. non-regulatory tools for sea level rise 5. federal programs affecting infrastructure Coastal Management Act of 2009 NATIONAL PRIORITY: PREPARE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE COASTS AND COASTAL COMMUNITIES

23 Objectives 1. Executive Branch coordination 2. internal NOAA integration 3. state participation in scientific research 4. regional partnerships 5. collaborative solutions Coastal Management Act of 2009 NATIONAL PRIORITY: COORDINATE, INTEGRATE LOCAL, STATE, FEDERAL COASTAL PROGRAMS

24 Coastal Management Act of 2009 Integrated State Coastal Assessments Five Year Action Plans - Basis for competitive funding to achieve the plan - Performance Metrics included in Five-year plans Existing state programs remain approved - Existing state CZ boundaries remain in place - Funding to states for Basic Program Services FEATURES

25 Coastal Management Act of 2009 November 2008 Draft CSO bill provided to - House Natural Resources Committee staff - Senate Commerce Committee staff December 2008 Met with Obama Transition Team January-February 2009 Realignment of committees in 111 th Congress March 2009 (tentative) Confirmation of Secretary of Commerce Confirmation of NOAA Administrator

26 NOAA Draft Bill Not yet released. Likely to contain similar elements as the CSO bill: Three national priorities - Sustain healthy coastal ecosystems - Reduce impacts of climate change - Safe, resilient coastal communities and economies Retain approved state programs Require integrated state coastal assessments Require state plans with measurable objectives

27 The 34 coastal states, many interested groups, stakeholders, and the Administration agree that the Coastal Zone Management Act needs to be modernized and reauthorized. 2009 may be a year of accomplishment. Conclusion

28 Questions?

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