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Reusable products and product recycling Tracon Project ISA.

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1 Reusable products and product recycling Tracon Project ISA

2 Reusable products and product recycling The use of reusable products and the product recycling are two environmental friendly activities in consumer practice.

3 Waste prevention: This is a key factor in any waste management strategy. If we can reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place and reduce its hazardousness by reducing the presence of dangerous substances in products, then disposing of it will automatically become simpler. Waste prevention is closely linked with improving manufacturing methods and influencing consumers to demand greener products and less packaging.

4 Recycling and reuse: If waste cannot be prevented, as many of the materials as possible should be recovered, preferably by recycling. The European Commission has defined several specific 'waste streams' for priority attention, the aim being to reduce their overall environmental impact. This includes packaging waste, end-of-life vehicles, and batteries, electrical and electronic waste. Several EU countries are already managing to recycle over 50% of packaging waste.

5 Improving final disposal and monitoring Where possible, waste that cannot be recycled or reused should be safely incinerated, with landfill only used as a last resort. The EU has recently approved a directive setting strict guidelines for landfill management. It bans certain types of waste, such as used tires, and sets targets for reducing quantities of biodegradable rubbish.

6 Technological Dust Treatment Technological dusts are extremely harmful for the environment. Therefore, special treatment is needed. For instance, spent batteries contain harmful chemicals that can leak into the earth and water. We should collect them separately from other house dusts. Usually, you can find special containers for technological dusts. Local authorities, supermarkets, or electrical retailers can dispose of them safely.

7 Eco-centered consumers Apart from product recycling and the use of reusable products, we may be careful in terms of our resources, such as water and electricity consumption.

8 Water Conservation Water conservation is a vital component to life and every living thing on earth is totally dependent on water to stay alive. Although water is a natural resource, there is not a limitless supply of fresh water. As more people occupy the planet, more water will be used; therefore, it is important that we utilize existing supplies wisely.

9 Water Conservation Use the shower instead of taking a bath when bathing, as showers use less water. Also, install a water efficient shower head. Educate children about conserving water, and ensure that they know to switch off faucets properly. The toilet can also use a large volume of water; standard old toilets use about 3.5 gallons per flush. If you have an old toilet, consider replacing it with a newer, low-volume model which only uses 1.5 gallons per flush. Need to replace your hot water tank? Consider a tankless hot water unit. You will save water and electricity at the same time.

10 Water Conservation When washing dishes by hand, don't rinse them under a running faucet, it is far better to use a sink or bowl with rinsing water. When brushing your teeth, don't let the faucet run. Better to fill a glass of water for rinsing your mouth and leave the faucet off. Wash your vegetables and fruit in a bowl or a pan of water. Washing under a running tap uses much more water. Save the water after you have rinsed the vegetables and use it to water your houseplants. When you need to replace the water in a fish tank, save that nutrient rich water for plants as well and watch them flourish.

11 Water Conservation Time to wash your vehicle? Use a bucket with soapy water for the wash, and rinse it off with a bucket of clean water and a sponge, it uses less water than a hose. Don't run the faucet to get water for cold drinks. During the day, fill a 2 liter pitcher of water and store it in the fridge instead, then have your cold drinks from that and save water. Dishwashers and washing machines use a large amount of water. Run them only when they are full. The garden is another area that uses a lot of water. Spreading a rich layer of mulch around all your plants will help to keep the moisture in.


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