“Emergency food supports and Flood Rehabilitation for the affected people in southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh” Project.

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Presentation on theme: "“Emergency food supports and Flood Rehabilitation for the affected people in southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh” Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Emergency food supports and Flood Rehabilitation for the affected people in southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh” Project

2 General Information Implementing Agency: Concern Universal – Bangladesh Implementing partners: Three partner NGOs 1. ASHROY Foundation, Khulna 2. Development and Rehabilitation organization (DRO), Jessore 3. Manabadhikar Janakallyan Foundation (MJF), Satkhira Duration:05 Months Commencement – October 2011 Completion – February 2012 Donor:Cordaid, the Netherlands Project Budget:Euro 100,000 (Euro 20,000 for emergency food support) (Euro 80,000 for rehabilitation works)

3 Project Location (for Rehabilitation activities) DistrictsSub-districtsUnions Satkhira1.Tala 2.Asasuni 3.Kaligonj 4.Debhata 1. Jalalpur, Khalilnagar, Khesra 2. Durgapur, Asasuni Sadar 3. Nalta 4. Parulia KhulnaPaikgacha Haridhali and Kapilmuni JessoreMonirampurMosimnagar

4 Project Location (for Emergency Food supports) DistrictsSub-districtsUnions Satkhira1.Tala 2. Asasuni 3. Kaligonj 4. Debhata Jalalpur, Khalilnagar, Khesra, Tala Sadar Durgapur, Asasuni Sadar Nalta Parulia, Kulia, Nawapara

5 Major Activities 1.Baseline survey and Beneficiaries Selection 2. Emergency food supports to 1,800 families 3. Installation of 100 tube wells at the community level 4. Establishment of 500 sanitary latrines at the households level, 5. Repair 200 partially damage houses for the poor households, 6. Rebuild of 100 completely damage houses of the poor people who are unable to reconstruction it again, 7. Distribution of vegetables seeds and provides training to 3,000 families, who have been lost their crops in the field,

6 Project Beneficiaries Flood affected vulnerable and marginalized communities mainly women headed families, poor, small farmers, fisher folk community, Mowali, Bawali and daily wage labors, women, disable and ethnic community. Total 3,000 house holds will be directly benefited from this project.

7 Project Operation -Concern Universal – Bangladesh (CUB) will operate the project from its Dhaka office. -The three project partner NGOs will directly implement the project at the field level.

8 Time Line October 2011 (one month) Emergency food distribution November 2011 – December 2012 (Four moths) Rehabilitation Activities

9 NGO wise activity distribution ActivityASHROY Foundation MJFDROTOTAL Emergency food1,440360-1,800 Installation of TWs8010 100 Installation of latrines40050 500 Repair house16020 200 Construction house8010 100 Distribution of Seeds2,400300 3,000

10 Emergency Food package per family 1.Rice – 10 kg 2.Musuri dal – 2 kg 3.Soyabin oil – 1 liter 4.Potato – 2 kg 5.Onion – 1 kg 6.Salt – 1 kg 7.Suji (for children) – 1 kg 8.Sugar – 1 kg 9.Soap (Lux) – 1 pics, Soap (hand wash) – 1 pics 10.Gas lighter (with mini torch light) – 1 pics

11 Total support per Union 1.Emergency food – 180 families 2.Installation of Tube Wells – 10 3.Installation of Sanitary latrine – 50 4.Repair of damage houses – 20 5.Construction of new houses – 10 6.Distribution of winter seeds – 300 households Supports will be provided in 10 Unions

12 Unit cost per Activity Sl. No ActivityUnit Cost (BDT) 1Emergency food package1,050 2Installation of Tube Well10,000 3Installation of Sanitary Latrine3,000 4Repair damage house7,000 5Construction of new house23,300 6Winter vegetable seed packet200

13 Thanks!!

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