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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Jaeander Wynn 2/27/13 First Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Jaeander Wynn 2/27/13 First Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Jaeander Wynn 2/27/13 First Period

2 Names Common Name: CTS, Carpal tunnel Scientific Name: Carpal tunnel syndrome

3 Causes; Occurs when the median nerve is compressed due to swelling of the nerve/tendon. Repetitive motion Transmitted; This is a neurological disorder and cannot be transmitted between individuals.

4 Workers with occupational carpal tunnel syndrome Work/ Activities that include repetitive motions. Athletes who play sports involving constant hand action.

5 Effects to CNS/PNS Compressing the nerve/ tendon on the wrist causing pain

6 Symptoms Those with carpal tunnel may notice o their fingers falling asleep/ numbing during sleep o feeling of burning pain/ numbness running up the forearm Severe cases o notice atrophy of the muscles in the hand o the median nerve may begin to deteriorate o loss of feeling in fingers o can lead to complete loss of hand movement.

7 Prognosis Most who undergo carpal tunnel release are twice as likely to develop trigger thumb than those who undergo surgery. Those who undergo surgery rarely see a recurrence of carpal tunnel.

8 Cure/ Treatment treatment include o Braces/ splints worn on the wrist o Steroids injected locally or taken orally o Carpal tunnel release Surgery  Recommended when there is constant numbness, weakness

9 Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery



12 Notable case Jessica Alba At 31 years old Jessica Alba explained on Jimmy Kimmel live that she awakened one night with numbness in the arm, thought she was experiencing a stroke, she then went to the emergency room. Following an MRI she learned that she had developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Jessica associates the syndrome with "the many hours she spends on-line running her eco-friendly baby products company".

13 Organizations Medical facilities The foundation of peripheral neuropathy American Chiropractic Association Most chiropractors, physicians, specialist who are located across the nation can assist in treating/ diagnosing this syndrome.

14 Citations References Frieden, R. A. (n.d.). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Retrieved from Gale Group website: SORT&inPS=true&prodId=GPS&userGroupName=cary81451&tabID=T003&sea rchId=R2&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=Basi cSearchForm&currentPosition=6&contentSet=GALE%7CA263040982&&docId= GALE|A263040982&docType=GALE&role=SUIC Smith, M. W. (Ed.). (n.d.). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Retrieved from Web MD website: syndrome Smith, M. W. (Ed.). (n.d.). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Center. Retrieved from Web MD website:

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