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The Managerial Process

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1 The Managerial Process
Chapter 1 The Managerial Process

2 Responsibilities of the Administrative Office Manager
Planning Controlling Organizing Directing Staffing

3 Challenges Affecting the Administrative
Office Manager Coping with governmental regulations Coping with new technology Enhancing organizational productivity Accommodating diversity Serving as change agent Accommodating globalization Dealing with office systems that fail to perform as expected

4 Qualifications of Administrative Office Managers
1. Completion of relevant courses. 2. Specialized knowledge of pertinent areas. 3. Capable of leading. 4. Commitment to ethical behavior. 5. Capable of delegating.

5 Information-management roles
Defined as a set of behavior and job tasks employees are expected to perform, including: Decision-making roles Information-management roles Interpersonal roles

6 Skills Defined as abilities individuals possess that enable them to carry out their specified roles well. Technical skills Conceptual skills Human skills

7 Enable the manager to perceive quickly how one phenomenon may impact on another. Conceptual Skills Help managers determine the full impact of a change or a variety of changes. Often seen as possessing a “fifth” sense in dealing with organizational matters. Some conceptual skills are learned; others are intuitive.

8 Enable a manager to maximize cooperation of subordinates, motivating them, or maintaining their loyalty. Human Skills Skills give the manager greater insight into working effectively with each subordinate in each situation. •Can be learned through on-the-job training or through courses.

9 Are often important in selecting an individual for his or her first managerial job. Technical Skills Nature of skills needed is determined by the manager’s areas of responsibility. •Skills are typically acquired through training.

10 The combination of technical skills,
conceptual skills, and human skills used by an administrative office manager varies from situation to situation.

11 Evolution of Management Theory
Scientific Management Modern Movement Administrative Movement Human Relations Movement

12 Scientific Management
Conceptualized by Frederick W. Taylor Popular during the late 1800s and early 1900s Goals 1. Increase output of employees. 2. Improve operating efficiency of management.

13 Scientific Management: Based on Time Study and Motion Study
Concerned with amount of time task completion takes. Motion Study Concerned with efficiency of motion involved in task performance.

14 Administrative Movement
Popular during the 1930s Conceptualized by Henri Fayol Concepts 1. Focused on whole firm. 2. Management functions were identified during this era. 3. Comprised of a group of universal principles involving management.

15 Human Relations Movement
Emerged during the 1940s and 1950s Elton Mayo was a proponent Concepts 1. Emerged because of a failure of organizations to treat their employees in a humane manner. 2. Believed that the human element had a greater impact on determining output and reaction to change than did the technical factor.

16 Modern Movement Began in the early 1950s Two Approaches Quantitative Approach Nonquantitative Approach

17 Quantitative Approach Known as the operations Approach. Nonquantitative Approach Known as the behavioral sciences approach.

18 The modern movement is currently heading toward the systems approach.
The organization is considered to be comprised of a number of interdependent parts.

19 Operations Approach 1. Is concerned with decisions about which operations should be undertaken. 2. Is concerned about how they should be carried out.

20 Behavioral Sciences Approach
Is concerned with the scientific study of observable and verifiable human behavior.

21 Contingency Management
Other Management Concepts Total Quality Management (TQM) Theory Z

22 Contingency Management
Recognizes that no one best way exists in all situations.

23 Total Quality Management (TQM)
(1 of 2) Puts emphasis on teamwork, empowerment of employees, and organization-wide recognition. Common Elements 1. Focus on customer satisfaction. 2. Ongoing improvement of the organization’s products and/or services. Work teams based on empowerment, trust, and cooperation.

24 Total Quality Management (TQM)
(2 of 2) Puts emphasis on teamwork, empowerment of employees, and organization-wide recognition. Common Elements Statistical measurement techniques designed to identify causes of production problems and to provide benchmark data.

25 Theory Z Assumptions 1. Employees have lifetime employment. 2. Employees are hired for their specific talents. 3. Decision making uses a consensus process. 4. Managers and employees trust one another. 5. Managers are concerned about employees’ well-being.

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