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TSB WORKSHOP ACCRA, 27-28 May ASSISTING COUNTRIES IN AFRICA REGION presented by: Margarida Evora Sagna ITU Representative,West Africa,

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Presentation on theme: "TSB WORKSHOP ACCRA, 27-28 May ASSISTING COUNTRIES IN AFRICA REGION presented by: Margarida Evora Sagna ITU Representative,West Africa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TSB WORKSHOP ACCRA, 27-28 May ASSISTING COUNTRIES IN AFRICA REGION presented by: Margarida Evora Sagna ITU Representative,West Africa, email :


3 Africa: A Mobile World ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database Source: ITU World Telecommunication Regulatory Database, 2004.

4 Telephone Penetration rates in West Africa

5 ISAP (Istanbul Action Plan) A four-year (2003-2006) strategic and working Plan  Section II : Actions A. - ISAP Programmes –Prog-1: Regulatory Reform –Prog-2: Technologies and Telecommunication / ICT network development –Prog-3: e-strategies and e-services/applications –Prog-4: Economics and Finance, including costs and tariffs, –Prog-5: Human capacity building –Prog-6: Special Programme for LDCs

6 ISAP (Istanbul Action Plan) A four-year (2003-2006) strategic and working Plan B. - Activities –Activity 1: Statistics and information on telecommunication/ICTs –Activity 2: Partnership and promotion C. – Special initiatives

7 WSIS Declaration of Principles  11 key principles Cooperation and partnership among all stakeholders Infrastructure = essential foundation of IS Access to information and knowledge Capacity building Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs Enabling environment ICT applications Cultural, linguistic diversity and identity Media Ethical dimension of the Information Society International and regional cooperation

8  Broad objectives, goals and targets to be achieved by 2015: Connect villages and establish community access points Connect scientific and research centers Connect libraries, cultural centers, museums, post offices Connect health centers and hospitals Ensure global access access to television and radio services Ensure that half of world ’ s inhabitants have access to ICTs within their reach WSIS Plan of Action (1)

9  Examples of actions to be carried out Assist countries in developing national e-strategies Assist countries in establishing multi-stakeholder, public/private partnerships Develop strategies on the use of ICTs for sustainable development, by 2005 Publication of information submitted on success stories in mainstreaming ICTs Development of performance evaluation and benchmarking to monitor implementation of Action Plan, of ICT Development Digital Opportunity Index and World ICT Development Report WSIS Plan of Action (2)

10  Assist governments in establishing multi-purpose community public access points Connect universities, colleges, primary and secondary schools  Develop and provide capacity building programs to develop skills in the use of ICTs, to create critical mass of skilled ICT professionals  Assist governments in preventing, detecting and responding to cyber-crime and misuse of ICTs, including spam  Assist governments in establishing legal, regulatory and policy environment conducive to ICT development  Assist governments in developing ICT applications WSIS Plan of Action (3)

11 On going projects for Africa  INDAVTEL: Industry development  AFRITEL: Telecommunication Infrastructures  NEPAD PROJECT: (ITU support for NEPAD objectives)  INTELCOMII: Network for ECOWAS  CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FOR CAPACITY BUILDING  EU-EC PROJECT: ICT Regulation, Capacity Building, E-Governance/E-commerce/E-Strategies, support to WSIS

12 Other Projects in Africa  Telemedicine (Senegal, Addis Ababa, Guinea, Mozambique, Kenya)  E-Commerce (Mauritania, Cameroon Cote D ’ Ivoire, Mali, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, South Africa)  Multipurpose Community Telecenters (Uganda, Tanzania, Benin, Guinea, Guinea Bissau. Cape Verde, Mauritania, Cameroon)  MCT for Refugees (Ghana, Tanzania)

13 Exchanging experiences  Workshops  Study trips  Country case studies  Promoting African Expertise  Promoting Public/Private Dialogue and Partnership  Promoting Regulatory and Operators Associations  Creating hot lines

14 Genders Balance  Women Led Project (MCTs owned and operated by women and creation of women fund)  Masters Degree Fellowships in Telecommunications and ICTs for Women  Special programs in Centers of Excellence to increase attendance by women

15 Monitoring countries most urgent needs 1.1. Universal service/Access Priority 12345 Brief Description of your concern and the Assistance needed


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