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Name:__________ warm-up 6-4. Name:__________ warm-up 6-4a.

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Presentation on theme: "Name:__________ warm-up 6-4. Name:__________ warm-up 6-4a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:__________ warm-up 6-4


3 Name:__________ warm-up 6-4a

4 A. B. C.(2, –2) D.(–2, 2) The point (3, 6) lies on the graph of Which ordered pair lies on the graph of

5 Details of the Day EQ: How do radical functions model real-world problems and their solutions? How are expressions involving radicals and exponents related? I will be able to… Activities: Warm-up Review homework Notes: *Complete 6-3 Square Root Functions and Inequalities *Begin 6-4 nth roots Quiz 6-1 and 6-2 Class work/ HW Vocabulary: square root function radical function square root inequality nth root radical sign index radicand principal root. Simplify radicals. Use a calculator to approximate radicals. Graph and analyze square root functions. Graph square root inequalities.

6 6-4 Nth Roots Slope

7 A Quick Review



10 The point (3, 6) lies on the graph of Which ordered pair lies on the graph of A. B. C.(2, –2) D.(–2, 2)

11 Notes and examples



14 A. Simplify. B. Simplify. C. Simplify.

15 Notes and examples A. Simplify.

16 Notes and examples A. SPACE Designers must create satellites that can resist damage from being struck by small particles of dust and rocks. A study showed that the diameter in millimeters d of the hole created in a solar cell by a dust particle traveling with energy k in joules is about Estimate the diameter of a hole created by a particle traveling with energy 3.5 joules Solve Understand Plan Answer:

17 Notes and examples B. SPACE Designers must create satellites that can resist damage from being struck by small particles of dust and rocks. A study showed that the diameter in millimeters d of the hole created in a solar cell by a dust particle traveling with energy k in joules is about If a hole has diameter of 2.5 millimeters, estimate the energy with which the particle that made the hole was traveling. Solve Understand Plan Answer:

18 Notes and examples A.about 0.25 second B.about 1.57 seconds C.about 12.57 seconds D.about 25.13 seconds A. PHYSICS The time T in seconds that it takes a pendulum to make a complete swing back and forth is given by the formula where L is the length of the pendulum in feet and g is the acceleration due to gravity, 32 feet per second squared. Find the value of T for a 2-foot-long pendulum.

19 Notes and examples B. PHYSICS The time T in seconds that it takes a pendulum to make a complete swing back and forth is given by the formula where L is the length of the pendulum in feet and g is the acceleration due to gravity, 32 feet per second squared. How long is the pendulum if it takes 5 seconds to swing back and forth? A.about 2.5 feet B.about 10 feet C.about 20.3 feet D.about 25.5 feet

20 Notes and examples



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