Common Sense Media –Internet Safety 7 th grade lessons PowerPoint provided by Simons Middle School.

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1 Common Sense Media –Internet Safety 7 th grade lessons PowerPoint provided by Simons Middle School

2 MAY 2013

3 7 th Grade Trillion Dollar Footprint DAY 1

4 How many of you? Created a profile on an Internet site? (poptropica, Facebook, etc) Filled out a form online? Chatted on AIM or Gchat? Sent an email? Typed your name into Google? Were there any results about you? Digital Footprint: All of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally Online Search: Inputting key words into an online search engine that sifts through them and then shows related listings

5 Observe the imagery in the video and think about what the images might convey (mean) about privacy. Imagery: Drawings or illustrations, often symbolic


7 Trillion Dollar Footprint “Trillion Dollar Footprint” is a popular TV show that tours the country looking for teens to compete in a talent show. Tell them you are hiring them to be producers for the show.

8 Your Job: Look over online information of two fictional host applicants, Linda and Jason. Decide which applicant should be the host of the show based on who works better with others and is more honest. Role-play TV producers, giving a convincing pitch to the class about which candidate they chose and why. Be prepared to present your selection to the rest of the class, along with specific supporting evidence! Don’t forget to fill out the feedback form

9 Share-out Do you think the show’s host should be Linda or Jason? Why? Do you think the candidate will be honest? Do you think the candidate will work well with others?

10 Share-out Did you assume that Linda was dishonest because someone commented that the recipe she supposedly created was not her own? Did you assume Jason was a jerk because he said he was single on his profile but said that he was married in his personal statement? Do you think the candidate will work well with others? Did you assume either Linda or Jason would not work well with others based on aspects of what they wrote in their personal statements?

11 Can you answer these questions? 1. True or false: Your digital footprint is all the information about you online that only you post. a) True b) False

12 Can you answer these questions? 2. What kinds of information can make up a digital footprint? a) Online photos b) Comments that others post about you c) Both a and b

13 Can you answer these questions? 3. What kinds of information would make a POSITIVE digital footprint? a) Photos of you doing work in the community b) A newspaper article about your soccer team c) A mean comment that you made on a friend’s website d) A blog you created to showcase your artwork e) Inappropriate photos of you on a social network site

14 7 th Grade Cyber bullying Crossing the Line DAY 2

15 Think-pair-share

16 What does this mean? Harassing : Bombarding someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected Deceiving: using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else Flaming: saying mean things, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate Hate Speech: a verbal attack targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation

17 Video Discussion Questions 1. Why did the girls start to harass and threaten Stacey online in the first place? 2. When do you think the girls’ behavior crossed the line”? 3. Stacey says, “People talk really big, when there’s, like, miles between you.” What do you think she means by this statement? 4. In what ways might the online context make the situation worse than if the bully had harassed Stacey offline? 5. Stacey’s mom says that Stacey should call the school and report the incidents. Stacey responds that it would “just make it worse.” Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

18 Real Life Examples

19 Real Life Example

20 1. Every time Ricardo messes up in an online game, another player sends him several messages making fun of him. Ricardo thinks the messages are funny, until he gets one that hurts his feelings. True or false: Ricardo is being cyberbullied. a) True b) False

21 Real Life Example Mark your answer YES or NO. Which of the following are examples of cyber bullying?

22 Real Life Example 3. The answer choices below are examples of comments someone might say online. Each one contains words written in ALL CAPS. Which one would be considered flaming? a) “NO WAY! That’s SO cool!” b) “LOL i can’t stop laughing” c) “SERIOUSLY? NOBODY CARES. GET OUT.”

23 Your Homework: Media Log

24 7 th Grade My Media (Self-Image and Identity DAY 3

25 Place your head on the table, and lets take a mental journey Habit: Habit: a regular behavior or practice

26 Take out your Media Log

27 How to Find Totals It might be easier to convert your hours into minutes (60minutes) and the 30 minutes and then multiple. A) (60+30)= 90 B) 90x 7days a week = 630 minutes a week C) 630 minutes a week divided by  60 minutes = 10hrs 30 minutes.

28 Now that we have totaled and converted all of our time into hours lets complete our graph

29 Who in the group has the highest digital time overall? According to your team what type of media do you use least?

30 In comparison to other’s in class, would you characterize your media intake as low, high, or somewhere between? Based on your log, would you like to change anything about your media habits?

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