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2.1 Compare and contrast the features and elements of consumer materials like warranties, contracts, product information, and instruction manuals. Compare=

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2 2.1 Compare and contrast the features and elements of consumer materials like warranties, contracts, product information, and instruction manuals. Compare= How things are alike. Contrast= How things are different. So, you need to know how consumer documents are alike and different. But.. What is a CONSUMER ? CONSUME + ER To use, or take in; someone who consumes CONSUMER= someone who uses a product. Thus, this standard requires you to understand pieces of writing that people who use products (like you) must read. I am a consumer.

3 Warranty: A warranty is an agreement by the maker or seller of a product that ensures the proper use of the product (or parts thereof) for an agreed period of time. Example: If you bought a television with a five-year warranty, you are ensured that the TV will work properly for 5 years. If there is a problem with the TV during this time, it will be repaired by the maker (manufacturer) or the seller (Frys Electronics) with no cost to you. After a warranty expires, the buyer is responsible for any problems with the product. I hope this TV is still under warranty!

4 Contract: A contract is an agreement between 2 or more parties agreeing to something. Once a contract is entered into, the terms of the contract are legally enforceable and can be upheld in a court of law. Example: You know you are going to get a new video iPod for your birthday, so you enter into a contract with your cousin agreeing to sell him your old iPod on the day after your birthday for $50. You write these terms on a piece of paper and both sign it. Now you are bound to sell him the old iPod, and he is bound to pay $50 for it. If either of you changes his mind, the other can go to court to make sure the agreement (contract) is followed through with. I agree to mow your lawn on Friday for 12 bananas…

5 Product Information: A product information insert is a piece of writing that comes with a product that is purchased to inform the buyer of something. Example: You just bought a jump rope or another toy; you may find a product information insert that tells you that the item is not appropriate for use by small children, or that it may break or crack if you leave it in the hot sun, or that it should not be used for certain purposes. This type of writing is used to inform. Warning! Cigarette smoking has been linked to lung cancer, and many other health afflictions. Tobacco can be both physically and mentally addictive. It is illegal to use this product for persons under 18. Attached is a coupon for $1 off your next cigarette purchase. Do not use this product in bed due to fire danger…

6 Instruction Manual: An instruction manual comes with a product to tell the buyer how to operate it. Example: You just bought the latest video game. It comes with an instruction manual to tell you how to install the game on your computer, set up the characters, move from level to level etc. Before installing the tree house make sure you have these necessary supplies: a hammer, a ladder, a large supply of 4- inch nails. Be sure the tree that you will build in is very sturdy with branches at least 10 inches in circumference. Take the 6 8-foot pieces of lumber out of the box… ©Created by Cathy Shope, EWMS 2007

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