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Cell Growth and Reproduction Ch. 8.2

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Growth and Reproduction Ch. 8.2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Growth and Reproduction Ch. 8.2
Mitosis & Cytokinesis Cell Growth and Reproduction Ch. 8.2

2 Why do cells divide by Mitosis?
Growth &Repair Reproduction of single celled organisms under? conditions constant environment Amobea Reproducing

3 Cells dividing by Mitosis…….
Skin Identical to original cell Same chromosome # Identical chromosome makeup

4 Cell Cycle “G” or Growth 1 phase “S” or DNA Synthesis 24 hours
“M” or Mitosis phase / Growth 2

5 Where is DNA located? 1. Nucleus 2. Chromosomes DNA I

6 Duplicated Chromosome (Late Interphase):
X Sister Chromatids Centromere

7 Spindle & spindle fibers: Pull apart the sister chromatids

8 Cytokinesis:cell’s cytoplasm divides & splits apart

9 Stages of Mitotic Cell Division
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase “1st” “middle” “apart” “far” or separate

10 Interphase “Intermission” Normal metabolic activities Major state DNA=

11 Late Interphase Prepares for mitosis DNA doubles= Sister chromatids
Centrioles double in animals X X X X X X

12 Prophase Nuclear membrane disappears Doubled DNA = condensed
“chromosomes” Spindle fibers Prophase

13 Metaphase Chromosomes line up mid- cell Facing inward

14 Anaphase Chromosomes move to opposite poles at Centrioles in animals
Spindle apparatus in plants

15 Telophase Cells divide Cell plate or membranes form Nucleus reappears

16 Returns to Interphase “Intermission” Normal metabolic activities
Major state DNA=chromatin

17 Plant versus Animal Mitosis
Cell wall from cell plate in telophase Sindles Animal: No cell wall membrane cytokinesis Centrioles

18 Animal Telophase Interphase

19 Plant Anaphase Interphase

20 Cancerous cells……... 1.Divide too many times
2.Divide into more than two cells! Masses of cells = “tumors” benign malignant

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