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2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 SystemsDatabasesTheoryProgramming Languages Software Engineering First Round CS Jeopardy! December 2011

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4 Question Answer Systems-100 ANSWER: He is the current President of Stanford University and wrote a popular book on Computer Architecture with David Patterson. QUESTION: Who is John Hennessy?

5 Question Answer Systems-200 ANSWER: The set of standards for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communication in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency bands. QUESTION: What is IEEE 802.11?

6 Question Answer Systems-300 ANSWER: This Google Vice President co-invented TCP/IP and is often called one of the “fathers of the Internet.” QUESTION: Who is Vint Cerf?

7 Question Answer Systems-400 ANSWER: The name given to a variable or abstract data type that provides a simple abstraction for controlling access by multiple processes to a common resource. QUESTION: What is a semaphore?

8 Question Answer Systems-500 ANSWER: Brian Kernighan coined the name of this operating system, which had a derivation from MULTICS. QUESTION: What is Unix?

9 Question Answer ANSWER: His relational model of data forms the basis of many database query languages. QUESTION: Who is Ted Codd? Databases-100

10 Question Answer Databases-200 ANSWER: It cancels the proposed changes in a pending database transaction. QUESTION: What is a rollback?

11 Question Answer Databases-300 ANSWER: This is a stored procedure that is invoked automatically when a pre- defined event occurs. QUESTION: What is a trigger?

12 Question Answer Databases-400 ANSWER: This diagrammatic notation (invented by Peter Chen) is often used to describe the schema of a database. QUESTION: What is an Entity- Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram)?

13 Question Answer Databases-500 ANSWER: if Y is a subset of X, then X -> Y if X -> Y and Y -> Z, then X -> Z if X -> Y, then X Z -> Y Z QUESTION: What are Armstrong’s axioms for functional dependencies?

14 Question Answer Theory-100 ANSWER: This is the series title of Donald Knuth's multi-volume work on algorithms and their analysis. QUESTION: What is Art of Computer Programming?

15 Question Answer Theory-200 ANSWER: He is the current awardee of the Turing Award for his work on computational learning theory. QUESTION: Who is Leslie Valiant?

16 Question Answer Theory-300 ANSWER: Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman provided the theoretical foundation that led to this important contribution in cryptography. QUESTION: What is public key cryptography?

17 Question Answer Theory-400 ANSWER: The fundamental difference between a Mealy and a Moore machine. QUESTION: What is the criteria for determining output values (Mealy considers both current state and current input, but Moore only considers only current state)?

18 Question Answer Theory-500 ANSWER: In his 1972 Turing lecture (entitled “The Humble Programmer”) he mentions that the profession listed on his marriage certificate is “theoretical physicist.” QUESTION: Who is Edsger Dijkstra?

19 Question Answer Programming Languages-100 ANSWER: This is the name of the new scripting language for the web that was announce by Google last month. QUESTION: What is DART?

20 Question Answer Programming Languages-200 ANSWER: He is the “N” in EBNF. QUESTION: Who is Peter Naur?

21 Question Answer Programming Languages-300 ANSWER: This designer of Pascal was introduced at a conference and opened his talk by saying, “You can call me by name, or by value.” QUESTION: Who is Niklaus Wirth?

22 Question Answer Programming Languages-400 ANSWER: Considered by some as the “father of modern linguistics,” he specified a containment hierarchy for formal languages. QUESTION: Who is Noam Chomsky?

23 Question Answer Programming Languages-500 ANSWER: The internal name that James Gosling used for Java, inspired by an object outside his office window. QUESTION: What is oak (from the oak tree outside his Sun office)?

24 Question Answer Software Engineering-100 ANSWER: A measure of the strength of similarity/relatedness between each piece of functionality expressed by the source code of a software module. QUESTION: What is cohesion?

25 Question Answer Software Engineering-200 ANSWER: This university is host to the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). QUESTION: What is Carnegie-Mellon University?

26 Question Answer Software Engineering-300 ANSWER: He led in the proposal of the Capability Maturity Model for assessing the maturity of software organizations. QUESTION: Who is Watts Humphrey?

27 Question Answer Software Engineering-400 ANSWER: This mythical creature appeared on the cover of Fred Brook’s famous “No Silver Bullet” paper. QUESTION: What is a werewolf?

28 Question Answer Software Engineering-500 ANSWER: The names of the Gang of Four who wrote the popular Design Patterns book. QUESTION: Who are Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, John Vlissides, and Ralph Johnson?

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