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HOME COMPOSTING. Hello! We are still us, the ITALIAN STUDENTS FROM CLASS IIA. You may wonder what we are doing here. Follow us and you will understand....

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Presentation on theme: "HOME COMPOSTING. Hello! We are still us, the ITALIAN STUDENTS FROM CLASS IIA. You may wonder what we are doing here. Follow us and you will understand...."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hello! We are still us, the ITALIAN STUDENTS FROM CLASS IIA. You may wonder what we are doing here. Follow us and you will understand....

3 Today is a special day at school - we sew - we mount e “ COMPOST” !!!

4 To begin, we'll mount the composter !

5 “ I’m not an ordinary bucket. I ‘m a magic bucket. Here wastes are transformed ! “

6 But what is Interesting inside? At the moment nothing..... Before you fill it !

7  Composting is an important example of reuse of organic waste. T he material obtained is the compost. It is formed by substances obtained from the decomposition that through this natural cycle are transformed into humus and returned to the earth. What is a compost? What decomposes ? What do you get? Nature continually decomposes, using microorganisms that live in soil, organic substances of plant and animal origin, which have completed their life cycle. (leaves, dried flowers, dried branches, insects and small animals, etc..)

8 Recipe for compost WET WASTE : - Green cuttings - Kitchen scraps - Wipes - Untreated paper - Vegetable and fruit scraps - Coffee grounds - tea filters RIFIUTI SECCHI DRYWASTE - Branches - Dried leaves - Cardboard - Paring - Sawdust


10 Littlewoods LEAFLEAF DUST O R G W A N S I T C E


12 HOW LONG MUST WE WAIT? To produce compost it usually takes from 6 to 12 months. (in summer the process is faster).

13 The final material can be stored or used as it is. Typically, the compost can be obtained as a good surrogate manure or other organic fertilizers.

14 See what happened? Strenght, we collect it !


16 We fertilizer plants now!

17  1 – Recycling organic waste in a compost is an advantage for all of us, for environment and for our crops. 2 – It garantees fertility. Compost is a 100% natural fertilizer, absolutely eco- compatible. 3 - From the economic point of view it brings large savings because you can limit the use of other special fertilizers and chemical composts. 4 – More composted waste = less waste disposed COMPOSTING: 5 REASONS TO DO SO ! 5 – less atmosphere pollution Pollution in fact usually originates from the combustion of waste

18 Bye, bye Comenius friends! Classe II A Liceo scientifico tecnologico “ G. Marconi “ Latina

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