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All Pictures, sounds, and animations were taken off royalty free internet websites. If by mistake, I took copyrighted material, I apologize. Let me know.

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2 All Pictures, sounds, and animations were taken off royalty free internet websites. If by mistake, I took copyrighted material, I apologize. Let me know and I will correct my mistake. Music Credit:

3 SOL Bonus History Jeopardy PeopleMap SkillsGeographyMisc.Wars 800 400 1200 1600 2000 400 800 1200 1600 2000 400 800 1200 1600 2000 400 800 1200 1600 2000 400 800 1200 1600 2000

4 B. 36th A. 5th C. 28th D. 16th Woodrow Wilson was our ______ President. He was born in Staunton, VA. He was President during WWI. Picture Credit:

5 Woodrow Wilson was our 28 th President. He was born in Staunton, VA. He was President during WWI. Bonus Jeopardy Picture Credit:

6 Answer Click to record $400

7 L. Douglas Wilder is known for being: B. Virginia governor and Senator D. 18 th President of US C. World Tennis player A. 1 st African American governor in US Picture Credit:

8 L. Douglas Wilder is known for being the 1 st African American governor in Virginia in 1990. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

9 Answer Click to record $800

10 Harry F. Byrd, Sr. is famous because he was: B. Virginia governor and Senator D. 18 th President of US C. World Tennis player A. 1 st African American governor in US

11 Harry F. Byrd, Sr. is famous because he was a Virginian governor and Senator. He supported Pay as you Go. which meant build roads as money from taxes come in. Bonus Jeopardy

12 Wow! Youre good! Answer Click to record $1200

13 Who invented the cotton gin in 1793? B. Eli Whitney C. Samuel Slater D. John Deere A. Cyrus McCormick Picture Credit:

14 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793 Bonus Jeopardy Picture Credit:

15 Answer Click to record $1600

16 ___________ improved the reaper. B. Eli Whitney C. Samuel Slater D. John Deere A. Cyrus McCormick Picture Credit:

17 The reaper was improved by Cyrus McCormick. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

18 Answer Click to record $2000

19 Hampton Roads is located on what river? A. James D. New C. Rappahannock B. Potomac Picture Credit:

20 Hampton Roads is located on the James River. Bonus Jeopardy

21 AnswerRIGHT! When youre RIGHT, youre RIGHT! Click to record $400

22 A. Richmond What is the largest city in Virginia? D. Harrisonburg C. Alexandria B. Virginia Beach Picture Credit:

23 Virginia Beach is the largest city in Virginia. Bonus Jeopardy

24 Answer Genuis! That is what it is sheer genius! Click to record $800

25 A legend or map key identifies ______________. A. Cardinal directions D. Symbols on a map C. Name of map B. Longitude and latitude Picture Credit:

26 A legend or map key identifies symbols on a map. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

27 Answer You just outsmarted me! Click to record $1200

28 To determine absolute location of a place, you would use __________. A. A compass rose D. An absolute map C. A map key B. A grid map Picture Credit:

29 To determine absolute location of a place, you would use a grid map. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

30 Answer Click to record $1600

31 The northeast border of Virginia is __________. A. Potomac River D. Kentucky C. West Virginia B. Pennsylvania Picture Credit:

32 The northeastern border of Virginia is the Potomac River. Bonus Jeopardy

33 Answer Click to record $2000

34 A textile If you live in Danville and make patterns for fabrics; you are working in the _________ industry. D technology C shipping B tourism Picture Credit:

35 If you live in Danville and make patterns for fabrics; you are working in the textile industry. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

36 Answer Click to record $400

37 What industry is important in the Tidewater Region? A. Orchards D. Poultry C. Shipping & Fishing B. Lumbering

38 Shipping and fishing are two industries important in the Tidewater Region. Bonus Jeopardy

39 Answer Youre bouncing along well! Click to record $800

40 A. technology What major industry would you find in Norfolk, VA? B. poultry C. textiles D. shipping Picture Credit:

41 You would find that shipping is a major industry in Norfolk, VA. Bonus Jeopardy

42 Answer Click to record $1200

43 On what river was Richmond founded? A. Chesapeake B. James D. New C. Potomac Picture Credit:

44 Richmond and Jamestown were founded on the James River. Bonus Jeopardy

45 Answer You are so lucky! Click to record $1600

46 Why did cities grow up along the fall line? A. Good harbor B. Natural resources D. Shelter of Mountains C. Natural barrier to river transportation

47 Cities grew up along the Fall line because it formed a natural barrier to river transportation. Bonus Jeopardy

48 Answer Click to record $2000

49 A. Atlantic Ocean B. The rivers C. Rich soil and the mountain shelter. D. Natural Resources The cities of Winchester and Harrisonburg developed in the Shenandoah Valley because of: Picture Credit:

50 The cities of Winchester and Harrisonburg developed in the Shenandoah Valley because of rich soil and mountain shelter. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

51 Answer Click to record $400

52 What does the word Shenandoah mean? A. Beautiful star B. Daughter of the stars C. Majestic Mountains D. Flowing rivers Picture Credit:

53 Shenandoah is a Native American word that means Daughter of the Stars. Bonus Jeopardy

54 Answer Click to record $800

55 What is the name of the peninsula just off Virginias shore? A. Eastern Shore B. Chesapeake Bay C. James River D. Hampton Roads

56 Eastern Shore is the name of the peninsula just off Virginias shore. Eastern Shore Bonus Jeopardy

57 Answer Click to record $1200

58 What kind of industries are located in Northern Virginia? A. Shipping and Fishing B. Textiles C. Technology and Government D. Poultry

59 Technology and the Federal Government are located in Northern Virginia Bonus Jeopardy

60 Answer I hope children never loose their sense of wonder and peace! Click to record $1600

61 Robert Fulton invented __________________. A. plow B. Cotton gin C. reaper D. Steam Engine boat Picture Credit:

62 Robert Fulton invented the steam engine boat. Bonus Jeopardy

63 Answer Click to record $2000

64 The basic conflict between England and colonial Virginia was __________. A. Taxation without representation B. English soldiers in USA C. English laws D. All of the above

65 The basic conflict between England and colonial Virginia was taxation without representation. Bonus Jeopardy

66 Answer What a pickle! I am getting so many questions correct! Click to record $400

67 A. Appomattox B. Yorktown C. Jamestown D Richmond The last major battle of the Revolutionary War was at ____________. Picture Credit:

68 The last major battle of the Revolutionary War was at Yorktown. Bonus Jeopardy

69 Answer Click to record $800

70 Our national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner was written during the Revolutionary War by __________________. A. Francis Scott Key B.Francis Harvey C. Dolley Madison D Lewis Horst

71 Our national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner was written during the Revolutionary War by Francis Scott Key. Bonus Jeopardy Song Credit:

72 Answer Click to record $1200

73 England and Virginia fought over who would pay for what war? A. Revolutionary War B. French and Indian War C. English War D. Civil War Picture Credit:

74 England and Virginia fought over who would pay for the French & Indian War. Bonus Jeopardy

75 Answer Click to record $1600

76 This person was a traitor to the USA during the Revolutionary War. A. John Burgoyne B. Paul Revere C. Benedict Arnold D. John Paul Jones Picture Credit:

77 Benedict Arnold was a traitor to the USA during the Revolutionary War. Today, Benedict Arnold = traitor. Picture Credit: Bonus Jeopardy

78 Answer Click to record $2000

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