Eclipses. Utility of the presentation  This presentation is to show how eclipses occur. As, it is not possible to show the occurrences of eclipses in.

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1 Eclipses

2 Utility of the presentation  This presentation is to show how eclipses occur. As, it is not possible to show the occurrences of eclipses in the classroom.  S So it is a unique opportunity to see and comprehend ( with the help of different slides presentation) eclipses.

3 Objectives  Concepts of Eclipses  Causes of Eclipses  Types of Eclipses.  Importance of Eclipses.  Effects  Occurences of Eclipses

4 Concept of Eclipses The earth and the moon are both opaque objects. They revolve around the sun(a light source). When the sunlight is obstructed by these bodies, shadows are formed. These are called ECLIPSES.

5 Causes of Eclipses 1.Solar Eclipse. In the course of its revolution around the earth, the moon comes between the sun and the earth. The moon blocks a part of the light from the sun. This happens on a new moon day. The shadow of the moon falls on the earth.

6 Solar Eclipse Sun Earth Moon

7 Activity: 1. Place a football on a table. It represents the earth. 2. Flash a torchlight (which represents the sun), at the football 3. Place a tennis ball (which represents the moon) between the football and the torchlight in line with them. 4. The shadow of the tennis ball( moon) falls on the football (earth). This is the SOLAR ECLIPSE FootballTennisball Torchlight

8 Causes of Eclipses 2. Lunar Eclipse. During a full moon day, the earth comes between the sun and the moon. On such a day when all the three bodies are exactly aligned, the earth casts its shadow on the moon. This causes a LUNAR ECLIPSE.

9 Lunar Eclipse Sun Earth Moon

10 Activity 1. Place a tennis ball on a table. It represents the moon. 2. Flash a torchlight (which represents the sun) at the tennis ball. 3. Place a football (which represents the earth) between the tennis ball and torchlight in line with them. The shadow of the football (earth) falls on the tennis ball (moon) causing a Lunar Eclipse to occur Football Tennisball Torchlight

11 Eclipses Solar Eclipse Total Solar Eclipse Partial Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse Partial Lunar Eclipse

12 Importance SScientific: During eclipses scientists and astronomers study the position of the Sun, earth, moon and star. MMythological: Indian concept eclipses are many mythological aspect.

13 Effects  During a solar eclipse one must never look at the sun directly. The rays of the sun may damage the eyes.  Birds and animals mistake it for nightfall.  Many astronomical problems can be studied only during total eclipse of the sun.  Today scientific solar eclipse observations are extremely valuable.

14 Occurences of eclipses Recently happened solar eclipses 1.oct.24,1995---India. 2.June21,2001---Africa 3.June,2000---Australia Lunar eclipses 1.Jan,9-10,2001 2.Mar29,2006 Forecast July22,2009.

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