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By Sky Rolnick UC Riverside HBD Software Status Update 5/13/09 1Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sky Rolnick UC Riverside HBD Software Status Update 5/13/09 1Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sky Rolnick UC Riverside HBD Software Status Update 5/13/09 1Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

2 Outline HBD Local Coordinate Issues. Status on Gain Calibrations. HbdEventDisplay Hub n’ Spoke Clustering Algorithm HbdAnalyzer EventAccumulator 5/13/09 2Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

3 HBD Local Coordinates 5/13/09 3Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

4 Current Issues Multiple coordinates defined in code which are inconsistent and incompatible. Almost no documentation exists to define coordinate system used. Need to discuss weather we should keep things “as is”, or if its worth cleaning this up a bit. 5/13/09 4Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

5 HbdFinalSimSupport Defined coordinates are Left Handed!!! There are 24 individual local coordinates defined. Many of these coordinates are related through a parallel transport. Transformations require unnecessary shift depending on module. Coordinates are different than what is defined on PCB coordinates. 5/13/09 5Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

6 5/13/09 6Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside HbdFinalSimSupport

7 Technically coordinates are consistent due to two cancelling effects. If one goes from glob2loc and then loc2glob everything is okay since shifts cancel out. But if someone uses PCB coordinates and uses loc2glob then coordinates are shifted. Result of not using standard PCB coordinates in definition of local coordinate system. HbdFinalSimSupport 5/13/09 7Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

8 Define “new” Local Coordinates 5/13/09 8Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

9 New Coordinates much Simpler New coordinates much simpler to use. Will be completely compatible with all code that goes from glob2loc and loc2glob and also compatible with PCB coordinates. Will require minor modifications to FindPad, and DistanceFromPoint in HbdFinalSimSupport. Seems to work fine for me, but should be tested by others. 5/13/09 9Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

10 hbdDetectorGeo Uses database to fetch local coordinates. Has advantage that module mapping does not depend on cable connections. Would like to add row, col coordinates for pad, sector, as well as padkey to database. hbdDetectorGeo hbdgeo; hbdgeo.fetch(215034); hbdgeo.LocToGlob(PosY, PosZ,x_glob,y_glob,z_glob,sector); 5/13/09 10Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

11 What to do??? Remove one of these coordinate systems to eliminate confusion or keep them both for backwards compatibility? Redefine coordinates to be consistent with PCB coordinates. Include (row, col) functionality to allow clustering across boundaries. I have worked out my own mapping that eliminates “boundary effects” but I could use help in how to add multimap to data base. 5/13/09 11Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

12 cvs co offline/analysis/HbdEventDisplay HbdEventDisplay 5/13/09 12Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

13 HbdEventDisplay This is original event display as created by Weizmann Institute but packaged in Fun4All framework allowing display of multiple data types including DST & PRDF for looking at raw data or sim data. run275586 pp 500 GeV in (+-) field configuration 5/13/09 13Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

14 HBD Gain Calibrations 5/13/09 14Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

15 Without calibrations we see very high charge >120 fC. After calibrations this settles down by ~factor of 5 depending on module, padnum, P/T, and gain settings. HBD Gain Calibrations 5/13/09 15Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

16 5/13/09 16Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside Gains vary slightly among modules depending on characteristics of GEM. Also pad by pad variations due primarily to irregularities of GEM holes. We can compare Module by Module gain calibrations to Pad by Pad gain calibrations. Typically, analysis will use both calibrations to achieve greatest uniformity. Are we satisfied with what is in the database, or do these need to be updated further? HBD Gain Calibrations

17 cvs co offline/packages/hbd/HbdHnSClusterizer.C cvs co offline/packages/hbd/HbdHnSClusterizer.h Hub n’ Spoke Clustering Algorithm 5/13/09 17Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

18 Hub n’ Spoke Clustering Apologies for taking so long… Complicated pad mapping. Issues with coordinate system. Lots of memory leaks and other bugs. Multiple versions not always updated. Differences between simulated and real data. My poor programming skills. cvs co offline/packages/hbd/HbdHnSClusterizer.C cvs co offline/packages/hbd/HbdHnSClusterizer.h 5/13/09 18Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

19 How it works Uses track projections to locate hub, where hub is defined as three-tuple consisting of three closest pads to track. Searches for spoke defined as the three-tuple surrounding the hub with the largest charge. Currently search region includes a spoke radius of 2, which means at most spoke can be located a distance of two hub centers away. 5/13/09 19Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

20 Hub n’ Spoke Clustering 5/13/09 20Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

21 5/13/09 Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside21 Hub n’ Spoke Clustering

22 5/13/09 Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside22 Hub n’ Spoke Clustering

23 Limitations 5/13/09 Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside23 As you can see, very often electrons are detected which have little or no HBD response. These are likely to be conversion pairs on outside of HBD. Many of the HnS cluster shapes do not agree well with actual cluster shape and are therefore pick up extra scintillation. Is there a way around this? It is very difficult to distinguish between “single”, “double”, and “hadron” just by looking at distributions. Higher multiplicity events will pick up lots of scintillation light, skewing results. Unavoidable???

24 cvs co offline/analysis/HbdAnalyzer HbdAnalyzer 5/13/09 24Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

25 HbdAnalyzer Allows one to apply hub n’ spoke parameters in analysis. HbdHnSClusterizer must be added before HbdAnalyzer otherwise track variables will not be filled. Implemented new version of PHCentralTrack, up to v24 now. 5/13/09 25Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

26 cvs co offline/analysis/EvntAccumulator/ EventAccumulator 5/13/09 26Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

27 EventAccumulator Uses some of the fancy stuff in Fun4All to accumulate tracks. Has the ability to accumulate tracks over multiple events as way of stacking events. Currently using a buffer to store tracks but this is the dumb way, the much smarter way will be just to use PHCentralTrack as the container. Starting new buffer of Accumulated events Ncalls = 96 There are 0 tracks in PHCentralTrack Total number of accumulated tracks is 0 Ncalls = 97 There are 2 tracks in PHCentralTrack Total number of accumulated tracks is 2 Ncalls = 98 There are 2 tracks in PHCentralTrack Total number of accumulated tracks is 4 Ncalls = 99 There are 2 tracks in PHCentralTrack Total number of accumulated tracks is 6 Ncalls = 100 There are 3 tracks in PHCentralTrack Total number of accumulated tracks is 9 ************************************ There are 9 tracks in MEGACentralTrack 5/13/09 27Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside Accumulates over previous 5 events.

28 EventAccumulator Does it make sense only to accumulate events that have a similar vertex? There could be some funny side effects of tracking with events from multiple vertex points. Maybe I should create vertex pools similar to what is done in Cabanaboy? 5/13/09 28Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside

29 5/13/09 Sky Rolnick, UC Riverside29 The End

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