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Alaska Department of Education & Early Development District Test Coordinator Training 2006 Alternative Assessment Program and Limited English Proficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska Department of Education & Early Development District Test Coordinator Training 2006 Alternative Assessment Program and Limited English Proficient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development District Test Coordinator Training 2006 Alternative Assessment Program and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Guidelines for Students on a Diploma Track Janet Valentour Alternative Assessment Program Manager

2 Before we start… Do you have a copy of: 1.Participation Guidelines 2005 2.Modified and Nonstandardized applications 3.Nonstandardized Student Report 4.Guide to a Diploma 5.Parent brochure for new 9 th graders 6.LEP Accommodations Form 7.Security forms (2)

3 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development You need to know Two possible choices for the diploma-track special needs students taking the HSGQE; Participation Guidelines 2005 offers guidance and clarifications; IEP/504 teams have information for you before the HSGQE testing day. LEP students may receive accommodations on examinations including the HSGQE, 4 AAC 06.776 ;

4 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development There is a clear diploma path Step 1 Step 2 OR Not Proficient

5 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Step 1 – Diploma Track HSGQE during Spring Semester of Sophomore Year also new juniors or seniors to the state 4 AAC 06.775 Is there support on the regular HSGQE for students with Special needs? YES

6 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Support: 1. If IEP/504 plan reflects an accommodation, special education students may take the HSGQE with or without the documented accommodation(s). See table 2 for allowable accommodations in the Participation Guidelines, pages 13-15. 2. LEP students may take the regular HSGQE with or without documented accommodation(s). See table 1 for allowable accommodations in the Participation Guidelines pages 9-10.

7 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Spec. ed.– Decisions to make! Take it again with or without accommodations. Not Proficient Outcome for Students on IEP or 504 Plans Modified HSGQE Nonstandardized HSGQE OR Step 2

8 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Step 2 - Modified Special education students may retake with modifications using the Modified HSGQE, Participation Guidelines, pages 20-22. –allows for the use of modifications along with accommodations which are documented on the IEP/504 plan. –modifications for a Modified HSGQE must be approved by the State using the application process. –District test coordinators receive copies of all Modified HSGQE applications and a spreadsheet before each administration.

9 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development District test coordinator will receive copies of these before testing from the EEDs program manager or teachers. Approved for all subsequent test administrations. Confidential information: District test coordinator keeps copies in a secured area. Signature required for approval

10 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Spec. ed.– Decisions to make! Take it again with or without accommodations. Not Proficient Outcome for Students on IEP or 504 Plans Modified HSGQE Nonstandardized HSGQE OR Step 2

11 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Step 2 - Nonstandardized This requires a student to prepare an extensive collection of work which reflects competency in each of the state standards tested on the HSGQE, Participation Guidelines, pages 22-24. –the Nonstandardized Assessment will be scored by a jury using a scoring guide. – Nonstandardized Assessment must be approved by the State using the application process. –District test coordinators receive a copy of the Nonstandardized Student Report form in April.

12 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Signature required for approval District test coordinator does not process these. However, the district test coordinator will receive confirmation of proficiency.

13 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Overall proficiency rating. District test coordinator, teacher, student, and special education director receive a copy.

14 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Clear Steps… Step 1 All Students take the HSGQE Step 2 Modified HSGQE Step 2 Nonstandardized HSGQE or Take a look at your Guide to a Diploma Not Proficient

15 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Exam Information and detailsConfirmation

16 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Communication Noon v State requirement –Districts are required to train all parents of 9 th graders with special needs. Suggested brochure –Copies mailed to all districts in July 2005.

17 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development LEP Support for HSGQE A district shall appoint a team that includes parents and teachers to determine the necessary accommodations for students with limited English proficiency. The team shall document the accommodation decision and may not provide a modification. Regulation 4 AAC 06.776(b) Suggested documentation form on websiteSuggested documentation

18 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development It is a suggested form for teachers to use. District test coordinators do not collect them. Effective for all subsequent testing. LEP Support for HSGQE

19 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Security Issues regarding Accommodations and Modifications Group students with like accommodations and modifications Participation Guidelines –Suggested scribe procedures, page 16 –Read aloud Math and writing subtests: accommodations Reading subtest: modification –Flexible scheduling Form 05-05-029 Form 05-05-030

20 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Consult with the Department. Applies to LEP and IEP/504 accommodations. Fax the forms to EEDs assessment administrator. Read it all carefully

21 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Departments Website All forms can be found on the Assessment website:

22 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development I am curious for you to share… How will you organize the accommodations/modifications before and on the testing day? How will you receive student information from IEP/504 teams? How will you document your actions and practices?

23 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development You need to know… 1. All special education students take the regular HSGQE with or without accommodations at the first opportunity; 2. LEP students are permitted accommodations on all assessments, 4 AAC 06.776 ; 3. IEP/504 teams can make alternative choices: Modified or Nonstandardized HSGQE; 4. Accommodations/modifications are decisions IEP/504 teams make and parents have been informed; 5. Modifications are submitted by IEP/504 teams for State approval; 6. The IEP/504 teams have been instructed to send copies of approved testing modifications for the Modified HSGQE to their district test coordinator. 7. Accommodations and modifications may require some security measures.

24 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development More Information: We are here to help you… Cathy Anderegg, Assessment Administrator, Les Morse, Director, Assessment & Accountability, Janet Valentour, Alternative Assessment Program Manager, State applications, guidelines and forms, Excellent resource: National Center of Education Outcomes, NCEA,

25 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Questions

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