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Alaska Accountability Adequate Yearly Progress February 2007, Updated.

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1 Alaska Accountability Adequate Yearly Progress February 2007, Updated

2 Adequate Yearly Progress What is AYP? How is AYP determined?

3 What is AYP? No Child Left Behind and AYP AYP is part of NCLB (PL 107-110) signed into law on January 8, 2002. AYP is the accountability framework to ensure that states, districts, and schools make satisfactory progress on the implementation of a standards and assessments reform model. Must be designed to narrow achievement gaps. Assessments must be a primary factor in the measure. Includes all students and all schools! Goal is all students will be proficient by 2013-2014.

4 What is AYP? ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS MEASURES: Participation of all 3 rd -10 th grade students in assessments, including alternate assessment. Performance for all students grades 3-10 (at the school level only those enrolled for the full academic year) in language arts (reading & writing) and mathematics. Graduation or attendance rate.

5 How is AYP determined? PARTICIPATION 95% student participation rate for school, OR if the school has 1-40 students and 2 or fewer miss, the school has satisfied AYP participation. 95% participation for each sub-group. Sub-group of 0-20 satisfies requirement. Sub-group of 21-40: if no more than two students do not participate, participation is satisfied. Participation rate may be averaged for two or three consecutive years to meet the 95% requirement.

6 How is AYP determined? SUBGROUPS Student Ethnicity (6 Groups) African American Alaska Native / American Indian Asian Caucasian Hispanic Multi-ethnic Economically Disadvantaged Student with Disabilities Limited English Proficient

7 How is AYP determined ? PERFORMANCE Meet or exceed the lower bound of the 99% confidence interval around the AMO in: Language Arts Mathematics *AMO: Annual Measurable Objective

8 How is AYP determined? Performance: School designation based on full academic year students (October 1 to 1 st day of testing). Minimum N of 25 students enrolled before a subgroup is included in the AYP determination. Confidence interval to determine if the performance score meets or exceeds the lower bound of the 99% confidence interval around the AMO.

9 How is AYP determined? CONFIDENCE INTERVAL By using a confidence interval we can conclude that a school or subgroup did not meet the AMO for that year if the school subgroups performance score lies outside the lower bound of the confidence interval of the AMO. Confidence interval is similar to a public poll on an issue or political campaign when they indicate that candidate A has 52% support versus candidate B with 48% support of likely voters, plus or minus a 5% margin of error.

10 How is AYP determined? AMO Starting Point A new statewide AMO starting point on school performance was computed using 2005 data based on the new assessment program. The 20 th percentile method was used to calculate the starting point Rank the school from lowest to highest performance by the percent proficient within the school. The AMO is percent proficient in the school wherein the 20 th percentile student is enrolled. For language arts the value is 71.48%. For mathematics the value is 57.61%. The AMO increases over time to the value of 100% by 2013-2014.

11 How is AYP determined? School YearAMO for Language ArtsAMO for Mathematics 2001-02 64.03%54.86% 2002-03 64.03%54.86% 2003-04 64.03%54.86% 2004-05 71.48%57.61% 2005-06 71.48%57.61% 2006-07 71.48%57.61% 2007-08 77.18%66.09% 2008-09 77.18%66.09% 2009-10 77.18%66.09% 2010-11 82.88%74.57% 2011-12 88.58%83.05% 2012-13 94.28%91.53% 2013-14 100%

12 How is AYP determined? OTHER ACADEMIC INDICATOR Schools must meet the other indicator threshold or show improvement from the previous year. All schools with 12 th grade must use graduation rate as the: The 2003 grad rate = # grads in 2003 divided by (# grads in 2003 + # 12 th grade dropouts in 2003 + # 11 th grade dropouts in 2002 + # 10 th grade dropouts in 2001 + # 9 th grade dropouts in 2000 + # of 2003 12 th graders who did not graduate). Threshold value is 55.58%. For all other schools: Attendance rate is the other academic indicator for schools who do not graduate students. Threshold value is 85%.

13 How is AYP determined? IMPROVEMENT PROVISION If a school or s ubgroup does not meet the AMO, they can meet AYP through the improvement or Safe Harbor provision if the school meets participation in all categories, the other indicator, and: School or subgroup shows improvement by having a 10% reduction in the percent not proficient from the previous year performance data or falls within the lower bound of a 75% confidence interval of a 10% reduction in percent not proficient from the previous year. The subgroup meets the other academic indicator.

14 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Clear Goals and Targets. Drives Learning Opportunities for ALL. A 12-Year Plan!

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